Oklahoma–SB 440
Oklahoma–HB 1371
Oklahoma–HB 1599
Bill status: Voted out of House Committee on February 18, 2015 (carryover)
Oklahoma–SB 805
Oklahoma–HB 1125*
*Only clergy can provide marriage licenses and gets rid of state-issued licenses
Bill status: Passed House; Referred to Senate Committee on March 18, 2015 (carryover)
Oklahoma–HB 1007*
Oklahoma–HB 1371
South Carolina–HB 3022
South Carolina–HB 3150
South Carolina–SB 116
South Dakota–HB 1220
Tennessee–SB 397
Tennessee–HB 566
Bill status: Dead
Texas–SJR 10
Bill status: Dead
Texas–HB 4105
Texas–HB 3602
Bill status: Dead
Texas–HB 2977
Bill status: Dead, but was amended to include the language of HB 4105
Texas–HB 3864
Bill status: Dead
Texas–HB 1745
Bill status: Dead