NCAA And ACC Pull Championships From North Carolina Over Anti-LGBT Law

Yesterday the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) became the second major college sporting body to pull its championships from North Carolina this week due to the state's HB2, a law that sanctions discrimination against transgender people. Their decision follows NCAA's Monday announcement that it would relocate seven championship events from the Tar Heel State. 

Congress Should Scrap Government-Funded Discrimination From Defense Bill

In the rush to get out the door, Congressional lawmakers have some important decisions to make. One of those should be that taxpayer-funded employment discrimination has no place in the NDAA

Yet Another Lawsuit Filed Against The Federal Government Over Guidance On Transgender Students' Rights

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has filed yet another a lawsuit  claiming that the federal government's guidance to public schools on the rights of transgender students violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Civil Rights Commission Releases Report On Nondiscrimination And Civil Rights

Yesterday, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights released a report focused on religious freedom following a 2013 briefing where AU’s then-Legal Director Ayesha Khan testified.


‘Marriage Equality’ Is A Confusing Term For This Texas Judge

A Texas Supreme Court justice recently wrote a dissent arguing that it should be legal for government bodies to deny same-sex couples spousal benefits because— get this– it would “encourage procreation.”

ACA Non-Discrimination Regulations Under Attack By Providers Seeking Religious Exemption

Jessica Mason Pieklo of Rewire details the assault on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, a non-discrimination provision that protects against denial of healthcare services based on sex. 

Americans United Submits Amicus Brief Against Bakers Who Discriminated Against Same-Sex Couple

The Oregon Court of Appeals has been asked to decide whether the First Amendment gives businesses the right to discriminate against customers. In a friend-of-the-court brief filed yesterday, Americans United explained that the First Amendment does no such thing.  

Americans United Warns Tennessee Official That He Cannot Discriminate Against Same-Sex Couples

Americans United sent a Tennessee trustee a letter warning him that his practice of officiating marriages for different-sex couples while refusing to preside over marriages for same-sex couples is both unconstitutional and discriminatory.

A Federal Judge Rules That Transgender Individuals Do Not Qualify For Federal Civil Rights Protections

Americans United litigation fellow Bradley Girard dissects a federal district judge's ruling in the case that Texas and twelve other states brought against the federal government challenging employment and education protections for transgender Americans.

New Lawsuit Claims Healthcare Professionals Should Have Religious Exemptions When Caring For Transgender Individuals

Texas and four other states filed suit against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Tuesday, claiming that healthcare professionals should be able to deny transgender individuals necessary medical care if it violates their religious beliefs. This is the second lawsuit brought by Texas that directly attacks the rights of the transgender community.

Illinois Pastors Seek Religious Exemptions To Law Banning Conversion Therapy For LGBT Youth

Church leaders in Illinois are asking the Court to Illinois insert a religious exemption into a state law that prevents counselors from implementing conversion therapy on children.