Justice Department Files Supreme Court Brief Supporting Bakery That Discriminated Against Same-Sex Couple

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Justice told the Supreme Court that a Colorado bakery has a constitutional right to refuse to sell a cake to a same-sex couple for their wedding. You read that right—the Trump administration thinks there’s a constitutional right to discriminate.

West Virginia County Apologizes For Discriminating Against Same-Sex Couple Who Applied For A Marriage License

Last year, Amanda Abramovich and Samantha Brookover were harassed by a West Virginia county clerk who ranted at them as they applied for a wedding license. The clerk called them an “abomination” and declared her belief that the same-sex couple shouldn’t be allowed to marry. Today, thanks to Amanda and Samantha’s courage to stand up to discrimination, Gilmer County has promised that other same-sex couples won’t face similar harassment that ruins their wedding days.

On Women’s Equality Day, AU Affirms Commitment To Defend Women’s Access to Birth Control

Saturday is Women’s Equality Day, when Americans mark the anniversary of the 19th Amendment that granted women the right to vote. It’s a welcome opportunity to reflect on how far our nation has advanced in the fight for equal rights. And it’s a stark reminder of just how far we have left to go.

Wyoming Judge Asks Supreme Court For Permission To Discriminate Against Same-Sex Couples

A Wyoming judge has asked the US Supreme Court to consider whether she has the right to refuse to marry same-sex couples due to her religious beliefs.

Georgia GOP Committee To Debate Resolution Urging Gubernatorial Candidates To Support "Religious Freedom" Legislation

Some Georgia Republican party activists have not given up on passing “religious freedom” legislation that could use religion to justify discrimination and deny rights and access to healthcare to others.

The Attacks On Contraception Coverage Keep Coming

The Trump administration is working on a new rule that would strip countless women of access to contraception, but that’s not stopping birth-control opponents from ramping up their efforts to ensure that women lose access to essential healthcare as soon as possible.

Texas House Considers Anti-Transgender Bill That Threatens Religious Freedom

The Texas legislature is back in a special session called by Governor Greg Abbott (R) and the Senate has wasted no time passing troubling measures, including an anti-transgender bathroom ban. Now the action moves to the Texas House of Representatives. Although the House voted down similar bills in the regular session and the Speaker has promised to block it, the fight is far from over for this legislation.

Kim Davis Refused To Recognize Marriage Equality, And Now Kentucky Taxpayers May Pay For That

The cost of ending the legal battle over Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis’ refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples may exceed $220,000—and Kentucky taxpayers currently are on the hook.

Florist Asks U.S. Supreme Court To Reconsider Decision Holding That It Does Not Have The Right To Deny Services To Same-Sex Couples

Florist Asks U.S. Supreme Court To Reconsider Decision Holding That It Does Not Have The Right To Deny Services To Same-Sex Couples

Last Friday, a Washington state florist asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the Washington State Supreme Court’s decision in State of Washington v. Arlene’s Flowers. 

AU Urges House Committee To Protect Women's Access To Healthcare

This year's Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill has a lot of problems—including a range of attacks on women’s reproductive healthcare. There will be many amendments offered to try to repair some of the damage, and this morning, we urged committee members to support two of them.

Two New Trump Administration Attorneys Have Worked To Undermine Women’s Healthcare

As new federal regulations reportedly are imminent that would gut the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirement that most health insurance plans cover contraceptives, two Trump administration attorneys who fought for employers to be able to cite religious beliefs as justification to deny women access to vital healthcare have been in the news recently.

The Trump Administration Had A Busy Week of Cozying Up To Religious Right Leaders

In today's Wall of Separation blog post, Americans United Legislative Assistant Director Dena Sher outlined the steps the Trump administration and its allies took against church-state separation last week, including US Attorney General Jeff Sessions' speech to Alliance Defending Freedom.

AU Supports Mississippians Challenging Discriminatory HB 1523, A So-called “Religious Freedom” Law

AU Supports Mississippians Challenging Discriminatory HB 1523, A So-called “Religious Freedom” Law

Because our laws should be a shield used to protect religious freedom and not a sword used to harm others, Americans United has filed a friend-of-the-court brief in support of the Mississippians challenging the state’s discriminatory House Bill 1523

Do No Harm Act: Preserving Religious Freedom And Protecting People From Harm

Freedom of religion is a fundamental American value. Our laws should be a shield to protect this freedom and not a sword to harm others.

AU To Federal Court (Again): Trump's Leaked Contraception Rule Threatens Women's Access To Vital Healthcare

One month after filing our objections in court to the Trump administration’s leaked draft rule that would gut the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that most health insurance plans cover contraceptives, we repeated our warning: Women, including the students we represent, would be seriously harmed by the new regulations. Under the draft Trump rule, any employer or university, even for-profit corporations, could use religion as an excuse to completely deny their employees and students contraceptive coverage.

A Colorado Case Gives The Supreme Court An Opportunity To Say That Businesses Can’t Use Religion As An Excuse To Discriminate

Monday was the two-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the landmark case in which the high court recognized the rights of same-sex couples to marry. The Supreme Court chose that anniversary to announce it will review Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commissionthe case of a Colorado baker who refused to provide a wedding cake to a same-sex couple.