How To Translate Trump’s State Of The Union Address

Tonight, President Donald Trump will deliver his State of the Union address to Congress and the American public. As he’s done in speech after speech during the first year of his presidency, he’ll likely claim he’s protecting religious freedom when in reality he’s doing the exact opposite by advancing policies that promote discrimination in the name of religion, politicize houses of worship, and compel taxpayers to fund religious schools.

The Trump Administration Plans To Allow Religion-Based Discrimination In Your Healthcare

The Trump Administration today is expected release yet another new rule aimed at allowing religion to be used to discriminate against women and LGBTQ people. 

We’re Watching To Make Sure State Legislatures Don’t Permit Religion To Be Used To Discriminate

Religious Freedom laws should be a shield to protect religious freedom, not a sword used to harm others. But this year, as in past sessions, legislators continue to introduce so-called religious freedom bills that would allow taxpayer-funded social service providers, individuals, and businesses to use religion to discriminate and deny people their rights.

On Religious Freedom Day, Let’s Recommit To Defend That Vital Principle

Today we celebrate Religious Freedom Day. After nearly a year of the Trump-Pence administration’s unwavering attacks on the freedom of religion and belief, some might wonder what there is to celebrate. But today, we can be thankful for the fact that Americans United has been successful in fighting many of the administration’s reckless assaults on this core freedom.

Here Are The Top Ten Church-State Stories From 2017

There’s no denying that 2017 was a tough year for advocates of religious freedom and church-state separation. Yet despite the barrage of assaults from the Donald Trump-Mike Pence administration, Americans United saw important victories in and out of court.

A Federal Agency Is Hiding Public Comments About Its Policies Concerning Faith-Based Organizations. AU Would Like To Know Why.

It looks like the overwhelming response saying that it’s a bad idea to give federal contractors and grantees religious exemptions that allow them to discriminate has gotten the attention of the HHS. But HHS’s reaction has been to hide our criticism.

A Federal Court Has Blocked Trump’s Regulations That Would Deny Countless Women Access To Birth Control

A federal judge in Pennsylvania on Friday blocked rules that the Trump administration issued last October that would allow any employer or university to use religion as an excuse to deny their employees and students health insurance coverage for birth control. 

Roy Moore Won’t Be Joining The US Senate. Here’s Why That’s A Good Thing

The people of Alabama did America a favor last night by voting against Roy Moore for a seat in the US Senate. Moore is just what we don’t need right now. His disdain for fundamental American values—from religious freedom to civil rights and equality to the rule of law—makes him a danger to our democracy.

Our Nation’s Higher Education Law Shouldn’t Include A License To Discriminate

This morning, another bill that allows religion to be used to discriminate started making its way through Congress. Hidden in the bill dubbed the PROSPER Act are several provisions that would allow religious student groups and religious colleges and universities that get taxpayer funds to use religion to get around nondiscrimination policies that protect students and employees at these schools.

We Told The Trump Administration That Religion Is No Excuse To Roll Back Birth Control Access

The birth control rules are not the only attacks by the Trump administration; they are part of their larger strategy to redefine religious freedom as the right to use religion to discriminate.

We Hope The Supreme Court Rules That Businesses Should Be Open To All In Masterpiece Cakeshop Case

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Americans United staff members were outside with allies urging the higher court to say businesses should be #OpenToAll and that they should not be allowed to use religion to discriminate.

The Supreme Court Should Make It Clear That Businesses Can’t Use Religion To Discriminate

The US Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission—an important case that will have significant implications on nondiscrimination laws that protect everyone, regardless of religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and more—on Tuesday, Dec. 5.

On #GivingTuesday, Here's A Reminder Of How Your Donations Help Americans United Defend Religious Freedom

Today is #GivingTuesday, an international day of philanthropy that kicks off the charitable season. Thanks to generous gifts from our supporters on #GivingTuesday and throughout the year, Americans United has been able to continue to fight against attacks on religious freedom.

HHS Asked The Public’s Advice On Using Religion To Discriminate—And We Said It’s A Bad Idea

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) just asked the public whether it should give new religious exemptions to faith-based organizations that accept grants and contracts to provide services to the public.