In Congress, The Fight Against Discrimination Is Now

We joined with a dozen national organizations to deliver over 340,000 petition signatures to Congress in opposition to the Russell Amendment, a provision that would require that all federal agencies allow religiously affiliated contractors and grantees to discriminate in hiring with taxpayer funds.

What Do We Do Now?: A Message From Americans United's Executive Director Barry Lynn

It will take some time for many of us to heal from the wounds and disappointments of this election. For now, know that we stand with you and deeply appreciate you standing with us.

The First Transgender-Rights Case Reaches The Supreme Court

After the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which recognized same-sex couples’ right to marry, the fight to attain equal treatment for all has advanced to a new and much-needed area of the law: protecting the rights of transgender persons.

#RejectRussell: 42 Senators Reject Dangerous Provision to Sanction Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination

Today, 42 senators, led by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), took a strong public stand against taxpayer-funded employment discrimination.  They joined a letter urging that a dangerous provision, which was snuck into a version of the national defense bill in the dead of the night, be stripped out before the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) becomes law.   

Legislators Need to Strip Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination from Defense Bill

A few months ago, some members of the U.S. House snuck a provision into their version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would authorize taxpayer-funded discrimination in every single federal contract and grant issued by the federal government, whether defense related or not. Now, a group of bipartisan Representatives and Senators are meeting to resolve the issue.

Tar Heel Travels: Lessons From North Carolina

Americans United Faith Organizer Bill Mefford and Legislative Director Maggie Garrett toured North Carolina to discuss church politicking with faith leaders. On the way, they learned some powerful lessons about true religious freedom.

Congress Should Scrap Government-Funded Discrimination From Defense Bill

In the rush to get out the door, Congressional lawmakers have some important decisions to make. One of those should be that taxpayer-funded employment discrimination has no place in the NDAA

Yet Another Lawsuit Filed Against The Federal Government Over Guidance On Transgender Students' Rights

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has filed yet another a lawsuit  claiming that the federal government's guidance to public schools on the rights of transgender students violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Civil Rights Commission Releases Report On Nondiscrimination And Civil Rights

Yesterday, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights released a report focused on religious freedom following a 2013 briefing where AU’s then-Legal Director Ayesha Khan testified.


‘Marriage Equality’ Is A Confusing Term For This Texas Judge

A Texas Supreme Court justice recently wrote a dissent arguing that it should be legal for government bodies to deny same-sex couples spousal benefits because— get this– it would “encourage procreation.”

Americans United Warns Tennessee Official That He Cannot Discriminate Against Same-Sex Couples

Americans United sent a Tennessee trustee a letter warning him that his practice of officiating marriages for different-sex couples while refusing to preside over marriages for same-sex couples is both unconstitutional and discriminatory.

New Lawsuit Claims Healthcare Professionals Should Have Religious Exemptions When Caring For Transgender Individuals

Texas and four other states filed suit against the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Tuesday, claiming that healthcare professionals should be able to deny transgender individuals necessary medical care if it violates their religious beliefs. This is the second lawsuit brought by Texas that directly attacks the rights of the transgender community.

Illinois School District Policy On Transgender Student Bathroom Use Still In Effect As School Year Begins (For Now)

It’s the third day of the new school year in one Illinois school district, and, for now, a transgender student will continue to use the bathroom consistent with her gender identity—just as she has since December last year without incident.  

False Martyrdom: Another Religious Right Horror Story Collapses

Litigation Fellow Bradley Girard explains how disingenuous claims of persecution and the misuse of RFRA harm both the people whose religious exercise is actually at risk and the institutions that work hard to protect genuine religious liberty.

At the Intersection of Transgender Advocacy and Religious Freedom

AU Legislative Assistant Director Dena Sher joined a Transgender Law Institute panel to discuss the intersections between true religious freedom and transgender advocacy.

Beware The Gender Unicorn: Franklin Graham Takes Aim At The Transgender Community

In North Carolina, Franklin Graham, son of the famous evangelist Billy Graham, is having problems with a unicorn.