In 2015, Protect Thy Neighbor monitored and fought a number of bills across the country that would have allowed individuals, businesses, and government employees to harm others in the name of religion. The most common bills would allow discrimination against LGBTQ Americans and deny access to reproductive healthcare, but these bills have other negative and far reaching consequences as well. View the bills we monitored in 2015 below, or learn more about the most recent 2019 bills that have been introduced in your state here.

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

These bills would create or expand a state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. RFRAs authorize religious exemptions to each and every state law on the books. If any state law or policy is deemed to place a “substantial burden” on the religious beliefs of a person (and often even a for-profit corporation), the state must show that it has a “compelling interest” and that the law is “narrowly tailored” to fulfilling that interest. Although RFRAs were originally intended to protect genuine religious freedom, many states are now adopting RFRAs in order to override nondiscrimination laws and deny women reproductive healthcare. For more on RFRA, including talking points on why states shouldn't adopt Indiana-like RFRAs -or- replicate the federal RFRA, please check out our RFRA page.
Bill status: Signed by Governor Mike Pence on March 26, 2015
Read Americans United's letter to the Indiana House of Representatives.
These bills would allow or even require government employees, for-profit business, or government contractors and grantees to discriminate against same-sex couples who are married or seeking to marry.
Bill status: Signed by Governor Mike Pence on March 26, 2015
Read Americans United's letter to the Indiana House of Representatives.
Bill status: Conference Committee Report to clarify SB 101 (Enacted on April 2, 2015)
Bill status: Dead, but Governor Bobby Jindal issued an executive order on this issue
Read Americans United's testimony in before the House Civil Law and Procedure Committee.
Bill status: Referred to House Committee September 9, 2015 (carryover)
Bill status: Referred to House Committee on September 9, 2015 (carryover)
Bill status: Referred to Assembly Committee on January 16, 2015 (carryover)
*Only clergy can provide marriage licenses, gets rid of state-issued licenses
Bill status: Passed House; Referred to Senate Committee on March 18, 2015 (carryover)
Bill status: Voted out of House Committee on February 18, 2015 (carryover)
Bill status: Referred to Senate Committee on February 3, 2015 (carryover)
Bill status: Dead (Amended to include the language of HB 4105)
These bills that would allow government-funded agencies to deprive children of safe, loving, and happy families in order to facilitate religion-based discrimination against families with LGBTQ or single parents.
Bill status: Dead, but Governor Bobby Jindal issued an executive order on this issue
Read Americans United's testimony before the House Civil Law and Procedure Committee.
These bills would allow individuals or businesses to withhold healthcare and health insurance from certain patients (most often LGBTQ and women patients) or for certain services and products (most often related to reproductive health).
Bill status: Dead, but Governor Bobby Jindal issued an executive order on this issue
Read Americans United's testimony before the House Civil Law and Procedure Committee.
Bill status: Referred to Senate Committee on January 20, 2015 (carryover)
These bills would bar colleges and universities from enforcing non-discrimination policies that apply to student religious clubs.
Bill status: Passed Senate; Referred to House Committee on April 2, 2015 (carryover)
Read Americans United's testimony before the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs.
Read Americans United's action alert.
Bill status: Referred to Senate Committee April 1, 2015 (carryover)