Protect Thy Neighbor is monitoring and fighting bills across the country that would allow individuals, businesses, and government employees to harm others in the name of religion. The most common bills would allow discrimination against LGBTQ Americans and deny access to reproductive healthcare, but these bills have other negative and far reaching consequences as well. View the bills we monitored in 2017 below, or learn more about the most recent 2019 bills that have been introduced in your state here.
To find out what happened in prior years, visit our Legislation Archive »

New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Religious Freedom Restoration Acts
These bills would create or expand a state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. RFRAs authorize religious exemptions to each and every state law on the books. If any state law or policy is deemed to place a “substantial burden” on the religious beliefs of a person (and often even a for-profit corporation), the state must show that it has a “compelling interest” and that the law is “narrowly tailored” to fulfilling that interest. Although RFRAs were originally intended to protect genuine religious freedom, many states are now adopting RFRAs in order to override nondiscrimination laws and deny women reproductive healthcare. For more on RFRA, including talking points on why states shouldn't adopt Indiana-like RFRAs or replicate the federal RFRA, please check out our
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Bill Text Here
Bill Status Session adjourned. Carry-over to next year.
Bill Type Religious Freedom Restoration Act
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Bill Status Session adjourned. Carry-over to next year.
Bill Type Religious Freedom Restoration Act
Bill Text Here
Bill Status Session adjourned. Carry-over to next year.
Bill Type Religious Freedom Restoration Act
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First Amendment Defense ActS
Also known as FADAs, these are based on a federal bill that would allow private businesses, federal contractors and grantees, and even government employees to discriminate against same-sex couples, unmarried couples, people who have remarried, single mothers, those who have had sex outside of marriage, and others. Some state bills are narrower or broader than the federal FADA; however, all of these bills seek to sanction discrimination, allowing individuals and entities to ignore laws that conflict with their religious beliefs about marriage. See more about FADAs here.
You can find more marriage bills in our Marriage Bill Tracker.
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type State FADA
Bill Text Here
Our View Broad Arkansas FADA Could Have Devastating Effect On Arkansans
Bill Status Session adjourned. Carry-over to next year.
Bill Type State FADA
Bill Text Here
Our View Harming Religious Freedom: For Some Oklahoma Senators, It's As Easy As 1, 2, 3
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type State FADA, Marriage (Government Employee and Wedding Services), Adoption, Government Services, Healthcare
Bill Text Here
Bill Status Passed Legislature on February 21, 2017; Sent to Governor on February 28, 2017
Bill Type State FADA
Bill Text Here
Our View Governor McAuliffe Vetoes Virginia's Dangerous "Religious Freedom" Legislation
These bills would allow or even require government employees, for-profit business, or government contractors and grantees to discriminate against same-sex couples who are married or seeking to marry. Find out more about this issue on our marriage page.

Government Employee: These bills would allow government employees and officials to withhold marriage licenses, refuse to solemnize weddings, or otherwise block recognition of some or all marriages. Check out our talking points here.
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type State FADA, Marriage (Government Employee and Wedding Services), Adoption, Government Services, Healthcare
Bill Text Here
Wedding Services: These bills would allow private businesses and individuals to refuse to provide wedding services or products to same-sex couples or other couples.
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type State FADA, Marriage (Government Employee and Wedding Services), Adoption, Government Services, Healthcare
Bill Text Here
Pastor Protection Acts: Generally, these bills prohibit the state from requiring clergy and religious institutions to perform marriages for same-sex or other couples if such marriages conflict with their religious beliefs. Some Pastor Protection Acts, however, are more expansive and would also allow commercial entities owned or run by religious organizations to refuse to provide any wedding related services to couples whose marriage conflicts with their religious beliefs. See more about clergy and marriage equality here.
Bill Status Session adjourned. Carry-over to next year.
Bill Type Marriage (Pastor Protection Act)
Bill Text Here
Nullification Of Marriage Equality: These bills would defy the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Constitution by declaring that the state will recognize only marriages between one man and one woman.
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type Marriage (Nullification of Marriage Equality)
Bill Text Here
Our View North Carolina Legislators Try (And Fail) To Ban Marriage Equality
Bill Status Session adjourned. Carry-over to next year.
Bill Type Marriage (Nullification Of Marriage Equality)
Bill Text Here
These bills would allow government-funded agencies to deprive children of safe, loving, and happy families in order to facilitate religion-based discrimination against families with LGBTQ or single parents. Check out our talking points here.
Bill Status Signed by Governor on May 3, 2017
Bill Type Adoption
Bill Text Here
Our View Alabama Enacts Two Laws That Could Allow Discrimination Against People In The Name Of Religion
Bill Status Signed by Governor on March 10, 2017
Bill Type Adoption
Bill Text Here
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type State FADA, Marriage (Government Employee and Wedding Services), Adoption, Government Services, Healthcare
Bill Text Here
Bill Status Signed by Governor Greg Abbott on June 15, 2017
Bill Type Adoption
Bill Text Here
Our View Texas "Religious Freedom" Bill Could Discriminate Against Children And Families
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type Adoption
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Our View Texas "Religious Freedom" Bills Could Discriminate Against Children And Families
These bills would allow individuals or businesses to withhold healthcare and health insurance from certain patients (most often LGBTQ and women patients) or for certain services and products (most often related to reproductive health). Find out more about this issue on our healthcare page.
Bill Status Enacted on April 27, 2017
Bill Type Healthcare
Bill Text Here
Our View Alabama Enacts Two Laws That Could Allow Discrimination Against People In The Name Of Religion
Bill Status Passed Assembly on October 20, 2016; Passed Senate on June 22, 2017
Bill Type Healthcare
Bill Text Here
Bill Status Senate Committee hearing set for April 4, 2017 at 2:30pm
Bill Type Healthcare
Bill Text Here
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type State FADA, Marriage (Government Employee and Wedding Services), Adoption, Government Services, Healthcare
Bill Text Here
Student GROUPS
These bills would bar colleges and universities from enforcing nondiscrimination policies that apply to student religious clubs. Find out more about this issue on our student groups page.
These bills would allow government employees or taxpayer-funded entities to discriminate against those they hire or serve, or to withhold certain services (such as reproductive care) even if otherwise required by law.
Bill Status Dead
Bill Type State FADA, Marriage (Government Employee and Wedding Services), Adoption, Government Services, Healthcare
Bill Text Here