Legal Opinion: 2007 OLC Memo on RFRA

Legal Memo Misinterprets RFRA to Justify Taxpayer Funded Discrimination

In August 2015, AU led the effort to send a letter to the President, asking him to order the Attorney General to order the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) to review and reconsider the legal opinion that interprets RFRA as allowing organizations to discriminate in hiring with federal funds – even in instances where a statute contains an explicit nondiscrimination provision. In the end, 130 organizations signed onto the letter. We will continue outreach to the Administration with the hope that the OLC memo will eventually be rescinded.

Status: OLC memo still in effect

Read the OLC memo.

Blog Posts

Congress Presses Attorney General on OLC Memo

ICYMI: Los Angeles Times Supports OLC Memo Review

Down With Discrimination: Broad Coalition Of 130 Organizations Asks President Obama To End Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination


Read our 2015 Coalition letter to President Barack Obama

Read our 2014 Coalition letter to Attorney General Eric Holder

Read our 2009 Coalition letter to Attorney General Eric Holder