Arkansas–HB 1879
Bill status: Dead
Illinois–SB 2164
Indiana–ESB 50
Bill status: Conference Committee Report to clarify SB 101 (Enacted on April 2, 2015)
Louisiana–HB 707
Bill status: Dead, but Governor Bobby Jindal issued an executive order on this issue
Read Americans United's testimony in before the House Civil Law and Procedure Committee.
Michigan–HB 4855
Bill status: Referred to House Committee on September 9, 2015 (carryover)
Michigan–HB 4858
Bill status: Referred to House Committee September 9, 2015 (carryover)
Michigan–HB 4732
Minnesota–SF 2158
Missouri–HB 1337
Bill status: Dead
Missouri–SB 555
New Jersey–AB 199
Bill status: Referred to Assembly Committee on January 16, 2015 (carryover)
North Carolina–SB 2
Oklahoma–HB 1125*
*Only clergy can provide marriage licenses, gets rid of state-issued licenses
Bill status: Passed House; Referred to Senate Committee on March 18, 2015 (carryover)
Oklahoma–SB 805
Oklahoma–HB 1599
Bill status: Voted out of House Committee on February 18, 2015 (carryover)
Oklahoma–SB 478
Oklahoma–SB 440
Bill status: Referred to Senate Committee on February 3, 2015 (carryover)