New Progressive Religious Liberty Report Published

The Center for American Progress has released a 29-page report entitled "Restoring the Balance: A Progressive Vision of Religious Liberty Preserves the Rights and Freedoms of All Americans."

From the Center for American Progress:

This report argues that the Hobby Lobby decision represents a dangerous precedent that enables third-party harm. With its ruling, the Supreme Court widened the playing field for those who could use religion as a weapon to justify discrimination, increasing the chances that others will be harmed by the enforcement of this flawed interpretation of religious liberty. In the Hobby Lobby case, the decision shifted the balance of power in favor of an employer’s religious beliefs, essentially imposing those beliefs on its employees and ignoring employees’ rights to be free from others’ religious beliefs and their consequences.

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"Restoring the Balance" also offers a series of recommendations to promote true religious liberty throughout the nation, including passing comprehensive anti-discrimination ordinances at all government levels to protect LGBT Americans, increasing access to preventive healthcare services at the state level, and amending the federal RFRA to prevent harm to third parties.