American Muslims Face Threats, Gunfire After Paris Attack

The reverberation from ISIS' horrific attacks on Paris this Friday are being heard around the world. While most of the reactions have been an outpouring of love and support for the victims, their families, and the whole of France, Muslims have already felt the brunt of the Islamophobic backlash.

From ThinkProgress:

The deadly attacks in Paris and Beirut, which the militant terrorist group ISIS has claimed responsibility for, are already leading to an uptick in Islamophobic sentiment thousands of miles away. In the United States and Canada, Muslim communities are fast becoming the target of violent and racist threats.

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is investigating several threats against mosques as potential hate crimes, according to the advocacy group the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

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These are not idle threats. One Florida Muslim family came home on Sunday to find that their home had been strafed with gunfire, while Michigan police are investigating threatening tweets directed at the Dearborn Muslim community. With tensions high and GOP hopefuls calling for the United States to bar Muslim Syrian refugees in favor of Christian ones, it doesn't look like life will be getting easier for American Muslims any time soon.