Kansas Legislator Is Adamant That Same-Sex Couples Should Not Be Foster Parents

Kansas state Senator Forrest Knox has a history of trying to pass homophobic foster care restrictions in his state. His reply when faced with the backlash? That he was only thinking of the children. 

From The New Civil Rights Movement:

Kansas Republican state Senator Forrest Knox for years has been trying to exclude same-sex families from the state foster care program. Earlier this year, in an obvious attempt to exclude same-sex parents from caring for foster children, Sen. Knox tried to pass legislation creating a special class of foster care parents who would receive substantially higher compensation than other parents...

“Not long ago it was not at all controversial that the traditional, ‘nuclear’ family – comprised of a father and a mother in a lifelong, loving marriage – raising children – was considered to be the best way to meet the needs of children,” Rep. Knox wrote in an email to constituents on Wednesday.

“Today this view is no longer politically correct and is actually received by many with anger…My concern is the children. If the state has custody of children, should we not do the best we can at meeting their needs? There is no ‘right’ of certain people or classes of people to be licensed foster parents.”

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