No, Ted Cruz, Kids Can't Get Sent To Jail For Mentioning Jesus In School

Ted Cruz is 100% wrong to say that student Angela Hildenbrand was threatened with jail time for mentioning Jesus in school. Make sure to click through to the article to see our own Greg Lipper laying some truth on the supposed government "war on Christianity".

From ThinkProgress:

During a town hall event in South Carolina on Monday, Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz made the bold claim that he will defend religious liberty because “what kind of country are we living in where…we’re threatening teenage girls with going to jail if they say the name of Jesus?”

Cruz made the remark after telling the story of Angela Hildenbrand, a high school valedictorian who he claims was “threatened with jail if she exercised her right to pray during her graduation speech.” At the South Carolina event and at other campaign events in the past, Cruz has discussed her story as an example of the government’s war on Christianity. As he explained on Monday, Hildenbrand was initially barred from leading prayer, but attorneys from the Liberty Institute filed an emergency motion and won an appeal shortly before her graduation.

Cruz has named Hildenbrand one of his “religious liberty heroes”, and she appeared beside him on stage last month during his South Carolina Rally for Religious Liberty.

But Hildenbrand was not actually threatened with jail for praying. 

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