Defending Discrimination: The Religious Right Is Unhappy About Americans United’s New Project To End Religious-Based Refusals

From Americans United's Wall of Separation blog:

"This week, Americans United launched a new initiative, Protect Thy Neighbor (PTN), which is intended to stop religious zealots from using “religious freedom” as an excuse to discriminate against others. Unsurprisingly, those who are intent on discriminating against LGBT persons and others were none too happy about AU’s announcement.

Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins took to one of FRC’s many publications to denounce AU’s work as evidence of Christian “persecution.”

Starting with Christian colleges, [American United Executive Director Barry] Lynn’s ‘Protect Thy Neighbor’ project promises to use the IRS as a weapon to force same-sex ‘married’ housing on universities with natural marriage views,” Perkins whined.

This is a blatant mischaracterization of the goal of Protect Thy Neighbor. PTN says nothing about the IRS. Instead, PTN is mainly intended to ensure that same-sex couples are not denied service by government employees and that LGBT persons are not refused service by private businesses simply because of their orientation."

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