Congressman Steve King Proposes Resolution to Condemn Marriage Equality Ruling

It's been a couple of weeks since the Obergefell v. Hodges verdict, and Iowa Representative Steve King is just not having it.

In a resolution introduced to the House of Representatives on Friday, July 10, King called upon his colleagues to disagree with the Supreme Court's ruling on marriage equality and assert that:

"A) the traditional definition of marriage is a union between one man and one woman;

(B) the majority opinion in Obergefell unconstitutionally and indefensibly distorts the definition of marriage;

(C) the States may refuse to be bound by the holding in Obergefell;

(D) the States are not required to license same-sex marriage or recognize same-sex marriages performed in other States; and

(E) individuals, businesses, churches, religious groups, and other faith-based organizations are encouraged, empowered, and protected to exercise their faith without fear of legal or government interference."

We've come to expect this huffing and puffing from King, but it doesn't change the fact that an elected official is calling for government-sanctioned discrimination against LGBT Americans based on religion. We'll be watching this resolution closely.

Read the resolution»