Supreme Court May Eventually Need to Weigh In On Same-Sex Discrimination Cases

With the number of lawsuits involving businesses refusing to serve same-sex couples wending their way through state and federal court systems, it appears likely that the Supreme Court will be seeing these cases in the future. Unfortunately, its decisions will be far from assured.

From USA Today:

"The issue could be heading toward the Supreme Court in the coming years. Last year, the justices turned down a petition from the owners of a New Mexico photography studio who lost a similar freedom-of-expression case over their refusal to work at a lesbian couple's wedding. Now several other cases such as Phillips' are making their way through state and federal courts...

A recent poll conducted by the Newseum Institute found that only 38% of Americans say businesses providing wedding services should be required to serve same-sex couples despite their religious objections, down from 52% in 2013. The court often tends to follow public opinion. But the Supreme Court has sided with religious believers before, most recently by allowing an exception to the Affordable Care Act's requirement that most businesses offer health insurance coverage for contraceptives that some equate with abortion...

The Supreme Court's ruling last month that states cannot deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples has motivated both sides to seek additional protections from state legislatures. The author of that opinion, Justice Anthony Kennedy, sees nothing wrong with religious believers seeking protection.

'It must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned,' Kennedy wrote."

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Same-sex couples who have taken businesses to court have won most of their suits, but it may take a final decision by the Supreme Court to put many of these cases to rest.