Indiana's Discriminatory LGB "Civil Rights Bill" May Be Stymied

Yesterday we mentioned that the supposed Indiana LGB civil rights bill that is detested on both sides of the aisle was being advanced. Thankfully, today we can report that it probably won't go much further.

From IndyStar:

A day after a gay rights proposal got its first nod from lawmakers, the leader of the Indiana House put a damper on the measure's chances.

“I’ve yet to talk to someone who thinks the bill is a good idea, with just a couple of few exceptions,” House Speaker Brian Bosma said Thursday.

He also set an unusually high bar for the measure to get an initial hearing in the House — if it even advances that far.

Such a decision is typically left to the chairman of the House committee to which the bill is assigned. But in this case, Bosma said there won’t be a hearing unless the House Republican caucus — which has 71 members — decides it’s a good idea. 

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