Kansas Anti-Discrimination Bill Moves To Hearing

Amidst the rumblings of bills that would restrict LGBT rights in Georgia and Indiana, there's a flicker of light coming from an unexpected state: Kansas.

From Metro Weekly:

It might seem impossible in the state that twice elected Sam Brownback as governor, but a bill to prohibit anti-LGBT discrimination is finally going to get a hearing nearly 11 months after it was first introduced...

The bill, as introduced, amends a number of statutes to include sexual orientation and gender identity among a list of protected classes when it comes to discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations. House Judiciary Chairman John Barker (R-Abilene) has granted the bill a hearing on Jan. 14, three days after the legislature convenes for its 2016 session, The Wichita Eagle reports.

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The Kansas legislature is dominated by Republicans, so this bill is unlikely to pass, but worth celebrating this small step forward.