No Mention Of Gov. Pence's "Religious Freedom" Law During VP Debate

Yesterday, we wrote that we wanted to hear what both vice-presidential candidates had to say about so-called religious freedom laws that use religion as excuse to harm and discriminate against others. The issue seemed likely to come up in the last night’s vice-presidential debate considering Governor Mike Pence signed the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Today, Rokia Hassanein writes in AU's Wall of Separation blog about how Pence managed to totally avoid answering for this and his other anti-LGBT actions and positions.

She explained: “One thing Pence didn’t talk about with regard to mixing religion and his policies, however— and both Kaine and Quijano failed to follow up with him about it, disappointingly is his horrendous record as both the governor of Indiana and as a congressman of restricting LGBTQ rights in the name of ‘religious freedom.’”

We're not giving up in our quest to find answers about the candidates' stances on "religious freedom" laws. We want to know: Will Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ensure that religion isn't used as an excuse to discriminate and harm others? Vote now to help us get this question included in the next presidential debate.