It's Time To Act! Tell Congress To #RejectRussell

Yesterday Americans United, along with 11 other organizations, launched a petition asking Congress to reject the Russell Amendment, a provision in this year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would allow religiously affiliated institutions that receive federal grants and contracts— including hospitals and universities— to use those taxpayer funds to discriminate against employees on the basis of religion.

In the past several months, we have shined a spotlight on the Russell Amendment. In just the last two weeks we took to Twitter to explain the dangers of this amendment and applaud the 42 senators who spoke out against it. We described how the provision goes far beyond defense policy, branching out into contracts throughout the federal government. We even called on Arizona Senator John McCain to lend his voice to the many others who reject discrimination in the defense bill. Now, we need you to act.

"It's vital that Congress hears from the public. We need to tell our members of Congress that we stand against taxpayer-funded discrimination," said Maggie Garrett, legislative director for Americans United. "No one should be denied a taxpayer-funded job because they don’t adhere to the ’right’ religion.”

Add your voice to fight against discrimination and #RejectRussell. Sign our petition to let Congress know that they should oppose the inclusion of taxpayer-funded discrimination in this year’s NDAA.