Georgia's State FADA Bill Just Got A Whole Lot Worse

With Georgia's FADA and Pastor Protection Act bills now rolled into one super bill, things are looking grim in the Peach State. Robbie Medwed's opinion piece below illustrates the dangers this FADA bill poses to the people of Georgia.

From Creative Loafing:

In fact, the bill, now combined with the Pastor Protection Act, does allow discrimination against LGBT people. It also allows discrimination against anyone who has sex outside of marriage (single mothers and anyone else’s who’s even a little bit sexually active without a ring), anyone who disagrees that same-sex marriage should be OK, and, in a stunningly shallow attempt to hold everyone to the same standards, anyone who is against same-sex marriage. [State Senator Greg] Kirk really thinks that allowing anyone to discriminate against anyone makes the bill fair. Apparently he hasn’t thought that maybe he should just not endorse discrimination, which would be far easier.

As it stands now — and things change every day — FADA and PPA have been combined into one super bill that guarantees religious clergy the right to not be forced to perform a same-sex wedding if they don’t want to — already a right guaranteed by the First Amendment — and allows any religious nonprofit to use tax dollars to discriminate against couples it doesn’t like. 

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