Utah Lawmaker Coughs And Sneezes Long Enough To Kill Anti-LGBT Bill

Whether it's through impassioned speeches in Georgia and West Virginia or record-breaking filibusters in Missouri, state legislators around the country have gone to tremendous lengths to oppose bills that would allow discrimination against the LGBT community in the name of religion. 

According to The New Civil Right Movement, one Utah senator staged his own version of filibuster last week, coughing and sneezing long enough to stall a vote on an anti-LGBT amendment to SB 252 that had been added in the House. Senator Jim Dabakis, the only openly gay member of the Utah Legislature, began his protest at 11:57pm on the last day of the legislative session, interrupting proceedings for long enough for the clock to strike midnight and the bill to die on the Senate floor. You can watch the whole thing play out in the video below.

While the bill, which would "barred same-sex couples from being joint tenants for tax purposes", was not religious in nature, it's worth noting that the offending amendment was authored by Representative LaVar Christensen, the original sponsor of the amendment banning same-sex marriage in Utah and a lawmaker who has used religious freedom arguments to deny same-sex couples their rights.