Atlanta City Council Unanimously Approves Resolution To Oppose "Religious Freedom" Bills

The Atlanta City Council has unanimously approved a resolution to stating its opposition to Georgia's two "religious freedom" bills, HB 129 and HB 757. The council is one of over 400 political entities and companies who oppose these bills in their current forms.

From Atlanta Daily World:

The so-called “Religious Freedom” or “Religious Liberty” bill that passed through the Georgia House and Senate has been a lightning rod of controversy and extreme contention because people believe it will lead to discrimination against same-sex couples specifically, and the LGBT community in general. Multiple business leaders, from both inside and outside the state, along with the influential Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, have vehemently opposed the bill in its current form.

The Atlanta City Council has joined the war to defeat the religious liberty bill. The Council unanimously approved a resolution by Councilmembers Mary Norwood and Alex Wan expressing its opposition to the so-called religious liberty bills currently being debated in the Georgia General Assembly.

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