ACA’s Section 1557 Rule Protects Against Discrimination In Healthcare

The Department of Education and Department of Justice weren’t the only agencies to release important guidance today.

Government Releases New Guidance To Public Schools On The Rights Of Transgender Students

On Friday, the Department of Education and Department of Justice issued guidance to public schools nationwide reminding schools Title IX prohibits discrimination against transgender students, including denying them access to the restrooms and other facilities consistent with their gender identity.

Campus Crusade For Bias?: How Religious Demands For Exemptions Harm Higher Education

A small but growing number of Americans have been inching ever closer to the principle that even in a secular democratic society, their religious beliefs should exempt them from modern laws. 

American Counseling Association Relocates Nashville Conference Over Tennessee's Anti-LGBT Law

On Tuesday, the American Counseling Association (ACA) announced that it would pull its 2017 Conference & Expo out of Nashville, Tennessee, due to the state’s new anti-LGBT legislation.

Illinois Lawsuit Claims State And Federal RFRA Requires Discrimination Against Transgender Student

Last week, two major Religious Right groups filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education an Illinois school district, trying to stop them from protecting the rights of transgender students. 

No Moore, Please: Ala. Chief Justice May Be Removed From The Bench

Word broke late Friday night that Roy Moore, chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, may be on the verge of losing his job – again.

Bullseye: The Religious Right Sets Its Sights On Protections For Transgender People

Target has announced that transgender people are welcome to use the bathroom of their choice in its stores, and some fundamentalist Christians are not pleased. The American Family Association (AFA) launched a petition and boycott in response to the chain’s announcement.

Hot Off The Fax Machine: Congress Enters The Fray With Revived Anti-LGBT Legislation

Last week, the House Armed Services Committee adopted an amendment that would require all federal agencies to sanction taxpayer funded hiring discrimination in their contracts and grants. Now we hear the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee is planning to hold a hearing on a bill that specifically targets the LGBT community for discrimination. 

Seven Signs Of The Persecution Apocalypse?: Religious Right Ally Claims Rampant Mistreatment Of Christians

It must be the End Times for American Christians – at least that’s what a Religious Right “scholar” would have you believe

Trials And Tribulations: Controversial Ala. Judge Says He Should Stay On The Bench

Alabama’s infamous anti-gay, “Ten Commandments” judge seems to think ethics complaints against him are politically motivated and should be dropped.

NDAA's Government-Funded Discrimination Amendment Passes House Armed Services Committee

If you were to guess that one of the most controversial provisions found in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) would be about national defense, you’d be wrong.  During the House Armed Services Committee’s marathon mark-up of the NDAA on Wednesday, Rep. Steve Russell (R-OK) successfully offered a sweeping amendment that would sanction taxpayer-funded hiring discrimination.

Tennessee Governor Signs Bill That Could Harm LGBT Individuals Seeking Mental Healthcare

On Wednesday, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam (R) signed HB 1840/SB 1556, a bill that allows a therapist or counselor to refuse to treat clients whose "goals, outcomes, or behaviors... conflict with a sincerely held principle" of that mental health professional. The bill—now law—will endanger some of the most vulnerable Tennesseans: those in need of mental healthcare and treatment.

Last Week In Review: April 18–22

Here is some of the big legislative news from last week and some bills to watch for the week ahead. 


United Methodist Church Ministers Condemn Mississippi's Anti-LGBT Law

Over 30 ministers of the United Methodist Church's Mississippi Annual Conference released a statement on Monday condemning Mississippi's HB 1523 and legislation that legalizes discrimination in the name of religion.