A Religious Right To Discriminate?: Court Adopts Troubling Interpretation Of Religious Freedom Law

A federal court has ruled that a funeral home had a “religious freedom” right under RFRA to fire a transgender employee. AU Litigation Fellow Bradley Girard dissects this disturbing ruling.

Illinois School District Policy On Transgender Student Bathroom Use Still In Effect As School Year Begins (For Now)

It’s the third day of the new school year in one Illinois school district, and, for now, a transgender student will continue to use the bathroom consistent with her gender identity—just as she has since December last year without incident.  

False Martyrdom: Another Religious Right Horror Story Collapses

Litigation Fellow Bradley Girard explains how disingenuous claims of persecution and the misuse of RFRA harm both the people whose religious exercise is actually at risk and the institutions that work hard to protect genuine religious liberty.

At the Intersection of Transgender Advocacy and Religious Freedom

AU Legislative Assistant Director Dena Sher joined a Transgender Law Institute panel to discuss the intersections between true religious freedom and transgender advocacy.

Beware The Gender Unicorn: Franklin Graham Takes Aim At The Transgender Community

In North Carolina, Franklin Graham, son of the famous evangelist Billy Graham, is having problems with a unicorn.

North Carolina Law Allowing Magistrates To Avoid Officiating Marriages For Same-Sex Couples Facing Challenges In Federal Court

The attention surrounding North Carolina's controversial bathroom law makes it easy to forget that the Tar Heel State recently enacted another anti-LGBT measure. This one allows magistrates to opt-out of their duty to perform marriages for at least six months if they have a religious objection. 

Accountability In Alabama: No One Is Above The Law, Chief Justice Moore

A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit brought by disgraced Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore and Liberty Counsel against the Judicial Inquiry Commission (JIC). Here's a reminder about why the Justice Moore is in trouble in the first place.

Real (Bad) Alternatives: ‘Secular’ Anti-Abortion Group Seeks Church Exemption To Contraceptive Mandate

On Monday, Americans United filed a friend-of-the-court brief in Real Alternatives v. Burwell— yet another challenge to the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that employers who provide health insurance to employees must include contraception coverage.

DNC Round-Up: Democrats Offer Alternative Vision Of Religious Freedom

DNC Round-Up: Democrats Offer Alternative Vision Of Religious Freedom

Democrats met in Philadelphia, PA, last week to nominate a candidate for president— and in the process touched on religious freedom issues affecting the country today

Mississippi Governor And Religious Right Group Fighting To Enforce "Religious Liberty" Law

A U.S. District Court judge recently barred Mississippi from enforcing its "religious liberty” law because it violates the U.S. Constitution, but Governor Phil Bryant and the Alliance Defending Freedom just won't give up.

Mountaineer Muddle: West Virginia Legislators Contemplate Discriminatory Bills

Just months after the West Virginia Senate voted down the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) bill, Mountain State lawmakers are talking about resurrecting it in the next legislative session.

Cruz Control?: Texas Senator Says Religious Freedom Protects Atheists, Muslims

It should surprise no one that U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) mentioned religious freedom in his speech to the Republican National Convention last night. But this time, Cruz deviated from his usual rhetoric.

Former AU Law Clerk Explains Personal Side Of Supreme Court's Non-Decision In Zubik

In an editorial published in Rewire, former Americans United law clerk Alison Tanner stressed that the Supreme Court's non-decision in Zubik v. Burwell leaves thousands of students like her in healthcare limbo.

Netroots Nation Conference Connects Protect Thy Neighbor With Social Justice Activists Nationwide

AU Field Associate Erin Hagen describes her experience at the 2016 Netroots Convention and how Protect Thy Neighbor takes part in social justice activism.