Sen. McCain Opposed Arizona “Religious Freedom” Bill In 2014 And Now Should Reject A Similar Provision In Defense Bill

Sen. McCain has seen the disastrous effects the Russell Amendment and other so-called religious freedom laws can have. Now’s the time for him to act. 

The First Transgender-Rights Case Reaches The Supreme Court

After the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, which recognized same-sex couples’ right to marry, the fight to attain equal treatment for all has advanced to a new and much-needed area of the law: protecting the rights of transgender persons.

The NDAA’s Russell Amendment Goes Much Broader Than Just Defense Policy

The annual NDAA is must-pass legislation that governs federal defense projects and programs. It is often the most likely of unlikely places that some try to push their so-called religious liberty policies.

Samantha Bee Tackles Catholic Hospital Systems And Religious Restrictions On Reproductive Healthcare

On Monday night, Full Frontal With Samantha Bee squarely took on this issue (as only Sam Bee can), focusing on Catholic hospital systems and their religious restrictions on reproductive healthcare. 

#RejectRussell: 42 Senators Reject Dangerous Provision to Sanction Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination

Today, 42 senators, led by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), took a strong public stand against taxpayer-funded employment discrimination.  They joined a letter urging that a dangerous provision, which was snuck into a version of the national defense bill in the dead of the night, be stripped out before the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) becomes law.   

The Russell Amendment Is The Worst Of The Bush Faith-Based Initiative

For decades, faith-based organizations have partnered with the federal government to perform secular social services, provided that they did not discriminate in hiring within those federally funded programs. The Russell Amendment, a provision attached to the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), seeks to turn that concept on its head.

Tell Congress To Strike Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination From The NDAA

Now is your chance to speak out against a provision that would authorize taxpayer-funded employment discrimination. You can make a difference by telling your Senator to oppose taxpayer-funded discrimination and remove this provision from the bill. 

Let's Not Forget Who Is Really Harmed By Anti-LGBTQ Laws

When state legislatures, like North CarolinaMississippi, and Georgia, debate laws that single out LGBTQ people for unequal treatment, the headlines are often about how much these laws would cost the state in lost revenue and the businesses and sports leagues that stand up to discrimination.  These stories, unfortunately, often overlook the real impact on LGBTQ people. 

For Some Children, "Religious Freedom" Is Detrimental To Their Health

In an article for The Atlantic, journalist Emma Green writes about the children who are harmed by others' religious beliefs, and the laws which enable that harm. Cases of parents using state Religious Freedom Restoration Acts as defense in child abuse trials are starting to make headlines, but the harm some children face because of their caretakers' religious convictions goes beyond physical abuse. For these kids, it can mean death from treatable medical conditions.

Gov. Mike Pence Has Much To Answer For During Tonight's Vice Presidential Debate

The Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which Gov. Mike Pence signed in 2015, harms the state's women, LGBTQ individuals and families, those who belong minority religions, and others who could face discrimination because of this law.

Still More Trouble For North Carolina As Another Athletic Association Pulls Championships From The State

It's been less than a month since the NCAA and ACC moved their championships out of North Carolina due to HB2, a law that sanctions discrimination against transgender people, and the state is taking another hit.

Legislators Need to Strip Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination from Defense Bill

A few months ago, some members of the U.S. House snuck a provision into their version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would authorize taxpayer-funded discrimination in every single federal contract and grant issued by the federal government, whether defense related or not. Now, a group of bipartisan Representatives and Senators are meeting to resolve the issue.

Roy Moore, Alabama’s Anti-Gay Chief Justice, Stands Trial For Ethics Violations

Alabama’s anti-gay chief justice, Roy Moore, was on trial before a state ethics board yesterday. He stands accused of instructing Alabama officials to defy the U.S. Supreme Court’s marriage equality decision. Based on media reports, it seems the longtime foe of Americans United didn’t make a very strong case for keeping his job.

Tar Heel Travels: Lessons From North Carolina

Americans United Faith Organizer Bill Mefford and Legislative Director Maggie Garrett toured North Carolina to discuss church politicking with faith leaders. On the way, they learned some powerful lessons about true religious freedom.

Invent Legal Claims. Sue. Repeat.

A website-design business wants to deny wedding website-design services to same-sex couples based on the owner’s religious beliefs. The catch? The company, 303 Creative, hasn’t even launched its wedding website-design services yet and so, obviously, no LGBT couples have even asked her company to design a website.

Arizona Court Refuses To Bar Enforcement Of Nondiscrimination Law For Anti-LGBT Calligraphy Shop

This week, a trial court in Arizona denied a request by a anti-LGBT calligraphy and wedding invitation shop to bar Phoenix from enforcing its nondiscrimination law. Here's the kicker: the City of Phoenix wasn’t threatening them with anything because no same-sex couple had sought invitations from the business.