Republicans, Business Leaders Uneasy About Georgia's "Religious Freedom" Bills

Some Georgia Republicans are finding themselves extremely uneasy about the state's "religious freedom" bills.

Two Bills Will Discriminate Against Virginians And Their Rights To Marriage Equality

This week, Virginia legislators will be hearing two bills that will have the potential to grievously harm all Virginians, especially LGBT Virginians, and their rights to marriage equality.



Committee Recommends Removal Of Oregon Judge Who Screened LGBT Marriage Applicants

The Oregon judge who was made infamous for both his screening of LGBT marriage applicants and for having a portrait of Hitler on his wall is in danger of losing his job.

Virginia to Hear Bill that Would Allow Clerks to Refuse to Provide Marriage Licenses

Virginia’s SB 40 would allow clerks and deputy clerks in the state to refuse to issue marriage licenses “[i]f the clerk or deputy clerk has an objection to the issuance of such license on personal, ethical, moral, or religious grounds.” We all know that the couples most likely to be denied a license by clerks under this bill are same-sex couples.

Kim Davis's Delusions Of Grandeur Grow Apace

Kim Davis, in trying to eke out her last 15 minutes of fame, has decided that she was chosen by God to defend the sanctity of marriage.

The So-Called First Amendment Defense Act Reaches the States

Today, we continue our coverage of bills that we expect to dominate the state legislatures by focusing on bills already being discussed in four states—Virginia, Georgia, Washington, and Illinois—that are modeled after the federal First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) bill.

Spotlight On: Kentucky's Marriage Bills

Today we examine bills four pre-filed bills from Kentucky that would allow individuals, including government officials, to deny marriage licenses or refuse to solemnize marriages and one that would change the state’s role in marriage. HB 14, 17, 28, 31 and SB 5 would each amend Kentucky law in various ways but all with similar intent – to discriminate against LGBT couples who have the desire, and constitutional right, to marry.

Kentucky Owes Marriage Equality Lawyers $1.1 Million

Like the citizens of Alabama before them, Kentucky taxpayers are going to see over a million of their dollars going to the lawyers who fought the state's marriage equality ban. 

New Virginia Bill Would Satisfy All The Kim Davis-Wannabes In The State

A bill has been introduced to the Virginia General Assembly that would make it legal for government employees to pull a Kim Davis and refuse to issue marriage licenses to LGBT couples on religious grounds.

Worried About Legislation in Your State? Stay Informed Using PTN’s New State Bill Tracker

As state legislatures gather across the country to start their 2016 legislative sessions, Protect Thy Neighbor is gearing up to monitor and fight legislation that would allow individuals, businesses, and government employees to harm others in the name of religion. Now, you can follow along too by using PTN’s new legislative tracking page. Keep up with the latest news, bill information, and ways to take action in the states and on the federal level. We will update the status of the bills in our state tracker every Tuesday and Friday, and will also continue to provide you with latest legislative news as it occurs.

Moore Grandstanding: Ala. Chief Justice Tries Again To Block Marriage Equality

Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore last week tried, once again, to block marriage equality in that state.

Mobile County, Alabama, Issuing Marriage Licenses Again

After just a few days of inactivity, Mobile County has started issuing marriage licenses again. We're pleased to see that sanity has returned to that fair county.

Americans United Files Brief In Federal Court After Roy Moore's Marriage Ban

Americans United and its co-counsel organizations filed a brief with a federal trial court today, calling for the court to issue a final, permanent injunction against defendants in the ongoing Alabama marriage equality case. The move comes a day after Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore declared that all state probate judges must stop providing marriage licenses to same-sex couples

Mobile County Judge Stops Issuing Marriage Licenses After Roy Moore's Ban

While Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore's announcement on Wednesday banning marriage licenses for same-sex couples was largely greeted with surprise and anger, one probate judge decided to cease issuing marriage licenses to all couples in his county.

Americans United Speaks Out Against Roy Moore’s Latest Attempt To Block Marriage Equality In Alabama

In a statement today, we at Americans United condemned the administrative order made by Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore which stated that state probate judges must stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

Roy Moore’s Latest Attempt To Block Marriage Equality In Alabama Is Doomed To Fail, Says Americans United

Church-State Watchdog Group Calls On State Probate Judges To Ignore Chief Justice’s Order


Georgia Has LGBT Discrimination On Its Mind

Georgia's legislative session doesn't begin until next Monday, but that hasn't stopped speculation about upcoming bills that would restrict the full use of government services (including marriage licensing) to the LGBT community.

Civil Rights Advocates To Face Tough Times In State Legislatures

The Associated Press lays out the challenges civil rights advocates will be facing this year in the state legislatures as those who wish to use religious freedom to harm others come out swinging.

The Good, The Bad, & The WTF: Top 10 Most Popular Posts In 2015

Though Protect Thy Neighbor has only been around since July, so much has happened in the back-half of 2015 that it was no struggle at all to construct something that every blog seems contractually obligated to post at the end of the year: a top ten list. 

Name Game: Ky. Gov. Issues Order Permitting Kim Davis To Remove Her Moniker From Marriage Licenses

Kim Davis is still causing chaos in Kentucky.