Kansas Legislator Is Adamant That Same-Sex Couples Should Not Be Foster Parents

Kansas state Senator Forrest Knox has a history of trying to pass homophobic foster care restrictions in his state. His reply when faced with the backlash? That he was only thinking of the children. 

ICYMI – Senator Hatch Used Floor Time to Promote Harmful Religious Refusals

Last week, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) concluded his sixth speech in a series of floor speeches devoted to the topic of religious liberty. Senator Hatch’s speeches have covered everything from the history of religious freedom to threats to religious liberty abroad. Or at least, he has covered everything from his point of view of what religious liberty means.

Florida Representative Files Wide-Spread Anti-LGBT Bill

Have you heard of Florida Man? Well, this time Florida Man is a Venice lawmaker and he filed a controversial anti-LGBT religious freedom bill into the Florida legislature. 

How Do You Get Policy Change In Washington?: Persistence, Persistence, Persistence

When President George W. Bush took office, his administration set about to change the rules for how the federal government funds faith-based organizations to perform social services, like running soup kitchens, job training programs and homeless shelters. He established the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, which worked with agencies across the federal government to weaken the longstanding church-state protections that had applied to these programs. Unfortunately for religious freedom, the effort was successful and almost every social service program funded by the government was subject to these new, lax rules. 

To EACH Their Own: Americans United's Legislative Team Comments on The EACH Act

Americans United's Legislative team explains the EACH Act and its potential costs to both the ACA and society.

Down With Discrimination: Broad Coalition Of 130 Organizations Asks President Obama To End Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination

Down With Discrimination: Broad Coalition Of 130 Organizations Asks President Obama To End Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination

President Barack Obama’s White House website stresses that he is a civil rights president who is “leading the fight to protect everyone – no matter who you are, where you’re from, what you look like, or who you love.” Yet, the president continues to enforce a policy that allows taxpayer-funded religious discrimination. This troubling policy allows faith-based organizations to take government funds to perform social services for the public and ignore laws that prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of religion.