Poll Shows That Negative Views Still Linger After Indiana's RFRA Drama

A recent poll finds that Indiana's 2015 RFRA controversy is still affecting how outsiders feel about the state. Spoiler: it's not great.

The So-Called First Amendment Defense Act Reaches the States

Today, we continue our coverage of bills that we expect to dominate the state legislatures by focusing on bills already being discussed in four states—Virginia, Georgia, Washington, and Illinois—that are modeled after the federal First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) bill.

Spotlight On: Georgia HB 756, Georgia HB 757 And Representative Tanner’s Misguided Attempts at Religious Freedom

On Wednesday, Representative Kevin Tanner introduced two bills that would sanction discrimination in the name of religion. HB 757 is being sold as a Pastor Protection Act, even though it goes much further than ensuring that the government doesn’t require clergy to perform marriages with which they disagree. HB 756 would allow businesses to refuse same-sex couples and, in an unexpected twist, allow businesses to refuse to serve churches and religious schools.

Spotlight On: Kentucky's Marriage Bills

Today we examine bills four pre-filed bills from Kentucky that would allow individuals, including government officials, to deny marriage licenses or refuse to solemnize marriages and one that would change the state’s role in marriage. HB 14, 17, 28, 31 and SB 5 would each amend Kentucky law in various ways but all with similar intent – to discriminate against LGBT couples who have the desire, and constitutional right, to marry.

New Virginia Bill Would Satisfy All The Kim Davis-Wannabes In The State

A bill has been introduced to the Virginia General Assembly that would make it legal for government employees to pull a Kim Davis and refuse to issue marriage licenses to LGBT couples on religious grounds.

Indiana Governor Pledges To Protect "Religious Freedom" In State Of The State Address

In his State of the State speech, Indiana Governor Mike Pence made it clear that he expected religious freedom to take a starring role in 2016 legislation.

Worried About Legislation in Your State? Stay Informed Using PTN’s New State Bill Tracker

As state legislatures gather across the country to start their 2016 legislative sessions, Protect Thy Neighbor is gearing up to monitor and fight legislation that would allow individuals, businesses, and government employees to harm others in the name of religion. Now, you can follow along too by using PTN’s new legislative tracking page. Keep up with the latest news, bill information, and ways to take action in the states and on the federal level. We will update the status of the bills in our state tracker every Tuesday and Friday, and will also continue to provide you with latest legislative news as it occurs.

Kansas Anti-Discrimination Bill Moves To Hearing

Amidst the rumblings of bills that would restrict LGBT rights in Georgia and Indiana, there's a flicker of light coming from an unexpected state: Kansas.

Georgia Has LGBT Discrimination On Its Mind

Georgia's legislative session doesn't begin until next Monday, but that hasn't stopped speculation about upcoming bills that would restrict the full use of government services (including marriage licensing) to the LGBT community.

Civil Rights Advocates To Face Tough Times In State Legislatures

The Associated Press lays out the challenges civil rights advocates will be facing this year in the state legislatures as those who wish to use religious freedom to harm others come out swinging.

Indiana's New Legislation Prohibits Transgender People From Using Restroom That Matches Gender Identity

Now that we're in 2016, our attention is turning towards state legislation and what fresh hell state-level politicians are brewing for their constituents. It comes as no surprise that Indiana, home of one of last year's most widely contested RFRAs, is already making its mark in the new year with some more vile legislation.

Donald Trump Gives Anti-LGBT FADA Legislation His Approval (Sort Of)

GOP candidates have been pledging their support for the anti-LGBT First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) for about a week, but now The Donald himself has lent the legislation his (honestly, a bit tepid) approval. 

New Mexico Pre-Files Indiana-Style RFRA Bill

An Indiana-style RFRA bill has been pre-filed in the New Mexico legislature, the contents of which will both expand the state's concept of "person" to include businesses and the definition of religious freedom to include refusals of service motivated by religious belief. The bill also takes wording from the federal First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), another bill that Americans United has been watching carefully.

Virginia’s Governor Vows to Veto False “Religious Freedom” Bills

As predicted, legislators in Virginia have been busy preparing legislation for the 2016 state legislative session. Although the General Assembly does not officially begin for a few weeks, state Senator Charles Carrico has already pre-filed two bills that relate to marriage and “religious freedom.” Rather than protect real religious freedom, these bills would allow individuals to discriminate against LGBT couples in the name of religion. Fortunately, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has said that he will veto these bills if they were to pass.

Legislative Preview: States Are Preparing for More RFRA Battles

As the states gear up to reconvene their legislative sessions after the New Year, we can expect to see many states pursuing Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) legislation. We often focus on states without state-level RFRAs that attempt to pass bills to create a new law; for example, last year both Indiana and Arkansas passed new RFRA legislation, and the sponsor of Georgia’s bill to create a RFRA has said he will introduce legislation in 2016. However, state legislative activity is not limited merely to creating new RFRA laws. Even in states that currently have RFRA laws, we anticipate that there will be increasing attempts to expand these state RFRAs.

Business Leaders Push For Anti-Discrimination Language In Georgia RFRA Bill

This week, we heard about the small, but bipartisan push for anti-discrimination language in Georgia's RFRA bill. Now outgoing chairman of the Metro Atlanta Chamber says that a religious liberty bill without this language could cost the state jobs.

Same-Sex Couples Take On North Carolina's Religious Objection Law

Three couples have challenged North Carolina's law that allows magistrates with religious objections to recuse themselves from marrying same-sex couples.