Opinions Differ Over West Virginia RFRA Bill's Purpose

The debate over West Virginia's HB 4012 RFRA continues, but some state delegates have been more blunt about the purpose of the bill than others.

Indiana's RFRA Is Now Being Used To Challenge Local LGBT Anti-Discrimination Laws

Indiana's RFRA is finally rearing its ugly head as conservative groups use it to files lawsuits challenging LGBT anti-discrimination ordinances. 

Hearing For Georgia's Pastor Protection Act Bill Today At 3:00pm

HB 757, Georgia's Pastor Protection Act bill, will be heard by a House panel today at 3:00pm. You can follow the proceedings here.

Spotlight On: Four Anti-LGBT Bills In Oklahoma

Last session, the state of Texas had the distinction of being the state with the most anti-LGBT bills with over 20 pieces of legislation.  Fortunately, each one of those bills was defeated. This session, that distinction of (dis)honor belongs to Oklahoma. Their session began this week, and they already have at least 26 anti-LGBT bills, including bills that include religious exemptions that could be used to discriminate. Here is a look at just four of those bills that we are closely tracking.

Republicans, Business Leaders Uneasy About Georgia's "Religious Freedom" Bills

Some Georgia Republicans are finding themselves extremely uneasy about the state's "religious freedom" bills.

Spotlight On: Indiana's SB 344, A Flawed Non-Discrimination Bill

Today, the Indiana Senate is expected to take up SB 344, a flawed non-discrimination bill. There are so many reasons to oppose this bill, including that it fails to offer any protections for transgender Hoosiers. But in this post, we’d like to look at the vast and broad religious exemptions in the bill. Although SB 344 may offer some (insufficient) non-discrimination protections, it also would provide a religious trump card to nullify those protections. The bill also contains religious exemptions that would undermine rights and protections guaranteed by other state and local laws and policies.

Spotlight On: Georgia's Discriminatory Religious Exemption Bills

Having trouble keeping up on what is happening in the Georgia General Assembly? Don’t worry, so many bad bills that claim to protect religious freedom have been introduced that it is hard to follow. But we are here to help.  Here is your Georgia cheat sheet: It explains seven of the bills out there that claim to protect religious freedom, but really don’t.

Opponents Concerned Over Georgia's State FADA Bill

SB 284, a state FADA that would essentially allow religious non-profits to treat LGBT couples like second-class citizens, is causing concern in Georgia.

Two Bills Will Discriminate Against Virginians And Their Rights To Marriage Equality

This week, Virginia legislators will be hearing two bills that will have the potential to grievously harm all Virginians, especially LGBT Virginians, and their rights to marriage equality.



Indiana's Discriminatory LGB "Civil Rights Bill" May Be Stymied

Yesterday we mentioned that the supposed Indiana LGB civil rights bill that is detested on both sides of the aisle was being advanced. Thankfully, today we can report that it probably won't go much further.

Indiana Advances A Discriminatory Bill Disguised As LGB Civil Rights Legislation

Despite the news that Indiana's RFRA is most likely dead, LGBT Hoosiers are still facing legislation that increase chances of discrimination based on another's religious beliefs.

West Virginia RFRA Hearing Today At 9:30 AM

This morning, starting at 9:30 am, the West Virginia House will hold a public hearing on House Bill 4012, the “West Virginia Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”  West Virginians will be gathering in the House chamber to voice their opinions on this bill.  We have some opinions about this bill, too, and it should come as no surprise by now, that we strongly oppose this bill.

Virginia to Hear Bill that Would Allow Clerks to Refuse to Provide Marriage Licenses

Virginia’s SB 40 would allow clerks and deputy clerks in the state to refuse to issue marriage licenses “[i]f the clerk or deputy clerk has an objection to the issuance of such license on personal, ethical, moral, or religious grounds.” We all know that the couples most likely to be denied a license by clerks under this bill are same-sex couples.

Great News: Indiana's RFRA Bill Is Most Likely Dead For The Session

Senate Judiciary Committee chair Senator Brent Steele allowed the bill sponsor, Senator Michael Young, to present his bill but did not allow testimony or a vote, explaining that this is not the year to take on another RFRA bill. 

Spotlight On: Headline-Making RFRA Bills Nationwide

As state legislatures across the country begin their sessions, there are already almost 20 bills in 11 states that would either create or amend an existing RFRA.  Today we highlight RFRA bills that have been making headlines.  

Spotlight On: Tennessee's Discriminatory Healthcare Bills

Today, we continue our coverage of bills that we expect to dominate the state legislatures by focusing on two related sets of bills in Tennessee. HB 566/SB 397 and HB 1840/SB 1556 would both allow individuals to withhold counseling services—an important, and sometimes lifesaving, healthcare service—from certain patients. And we know that those who would be most likely to be refused services are LGBT patients.  

Nebraska Adoption Bill Would Discriminate Against LGBT Parents

A new bill on the move in Nebraska would allow state-funded adoption agencies to refuse to place children with qualified LGBT parents.