Georgia Legislature Will Not Push To Override Governor's Veto Of "Religious Liberty" Bill

It's official: it's over for Georgia's HB 757. House Speaker David Ralston and Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution today that they would not challenge Governor Nathan Deal's veto on the controversial "religious liberty" bill, but that the larger fight is far from over.

Mississippi Senate Passes Sweeping "Religious Liberty" Bill

Mississippi's Senate passed HB 1523 last night, making one more House vote and Governor Phil Bryant's signature the only things standing between this bill and the law books. The Washington Post describes what makes this bill so terrible.

Mississippi Set To Vote On Discriminatory Bill

Just this week, the Governors of Georgia and Virginia vetoed legislation that similarly attempted to sanction discrimination under the guise of religious liberty.  

Sibling Rivalry: Religious Freedom Puts Economic and Religious Conservatives At Odds

In a provocative piece published yesterday, the Washington Post’s James Hohmann argued that the controversy reveals a growing split within the Republican Party. Social issues, he wrote, no longer hold the party together.

Last Week In Review: March 21–25

Because many state legislative sessions have ended (Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming), we can report that 13 of the so-called religious liberty bills we have been tracking are officially dead. Here is some of the big state legislative news that occurred last week and what we expect to see moving this week.

Louisiana Governor To Rescind Anti-LGBT Executive Order

In the wake of Governor Nathan Deal's veto of HB 757 in Georgia, Governor John Bel Edwards' press secretary has announced that the Louisiana governor will rescind the anti-LGBT executive order issued by Bobby Jindal in 2015.

Georgia Governor Vetoes "Religious Liberty" Bill

In a brief press conference today, Governor Nathan Deal vetoed HB 757, a bill that would have sanctioned discrimination in the name of "religious liberty". 

Bill That Allows For Discrimination Moves To Mississippi Senate Floor

On Wednesday, a Mississippi Senate Committee approved HB 1523, the misleadingly named “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act.” The state House has already passed the bill and the Senate will likely vote on it very soon.  The goal of HB 1523 is to allow discrimination against LGBT couples. But its reach goes much further.

Faith-Based College Groups Can Now Discriminate In Kansas

According to The Kansas City Star, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has signed into law SB 175, a bill that would allow faith-based groups at universities to restrict membership to only like-minded people. This means that school tuition dollars could go to groups that deny membership to minority students, such as those in the LGBT community.

North Carolina Rushes Anti-LGBT Bill Through Legislature

North Carolina lawmakers are so dead set on passing a bill that would ban all cities in the state from enacting anti-discrimination ordinances that they convened a special session today that is costing $42,000 in taxpayer funds. And, in an effort to get their dollar's worth, legislators look ready to pass HB 2 through both chambers before the end of the day.

The Mouse Has Spoken: Disney Threatens To Boycott Georgia If HB 757 Passes

Disney fired a warning shot across Georgia's bow today, vowing that neither it nor its Marvel Studios unit would film in the state should HB 757 pass.

MPAA Is "Confident" That Georgia's Governor Will Not Sign Discriminatory Bill

Georgia's HB 757, a bill that sanctions discrimination based on religion, is getting poor reviews in Hollywood. Yesterday, entertainment industry paper Variety reported that a Motion Picture Association of America official is very sure that Governor Nathan Deal will not sign the bill into law. Georgia's film and television industry is booming, leading activists to call upon production companies to use their heft to protest HB 757.

Last Week In Review: March 14–19

Last week, we saw bill movement in Georgia, Colorado, Alabama, and Tennessee. Find out more about these movements and what to expect this week in Last Week in Review.


Even More Companies And Celebrities Urge Georgia's Governor To Veto Harmful Bill

Companies, politicians, and celebrities have been coming out against Georgia's HB 757, a bill that would allow individuals, businesses, and taxpayer-funded social services organizations to refuse to adhere to any laws that conflict with their religious beliefs about marriage, almost since the day it was introduced. Now that the bill has passed through the legislature and sits on Governor Nathan Deal's desk, these opponents are louder than ever. 

Utah Lawmaker Coughs And Sneezes Long Enough To Kill Anti-LGBT Bill

Utah Senator Jim Dabakis successfully stalled voting on an anti-LGBT bill long enough to kill it by coughing and sneezing for three minutes.

Georgia's General Assembly May Have Surprise Vote On "Religious Liberty" Bill On Wednesday

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Georgia's HB 757 will be voted on today by the General Assembly. This news comes as a surprise, as business leaders and LGBT advocates have roundly denounced this "religious liberty" bill as legalized discrimination. 

Alabama Legislature Packs Multiple False Religious Liberty Bills Into One Day

The House Committee on Health will hold a hearing on HB 158, the “Alabama Child Care Provider Inclusion Act,” which would allow organizations that provide adoption and child placement services the ability to “refrain from conduct that conflicts with their sincerely held religious beliefs.” 

Sporting Giants NCAA and Big 12 "Concerned" About Missouri's Discriminatory Constitutional Amendment

After a dramatic 39-hour filibuster and the eventual passage through the Senate, Missouri's SJR 39 is on its way to the House. Fortunately for the opponents of the bill, the business community is not going to take this discriminatory constitutional amendment lying down.