The Russell Amendment Is The Worst Of The Bush Faith-Based Initiative

For decades, faith-based organizations have partnered with the federal government to perform secular social services, provided that they did not discriminate in hiring within those federally funded programs. The Russell Amendment, a provision attached to the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), seeks to turn that concept on its head.

Tell Congress To Strike Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination From The NDAA

Now is your chance to speak out against a provision that would authorize taxpayer-funded employment discrimination. You can make a difference by telling your Senator to oppose taxpayer-funded discrimination and remove this provision from the bill. 

Let's Not Forget Who Is Really Harmed By Anti-LGBTQ Laws

When state legislatures, like North CarolinaMississippi, and Georgia, debate laws that single out LGBTQ people for unequal treatment, the headlines are often about how much these laws would cost the state in lost revenue and the businesses and sports leagues that stand up to discrimination.  These stories, unfortunately, often overlook the real impact on LGBTQ people. 

Gov. Mike Pence Has Much To Answer For During Tonight's Vice Presidential Debate

The Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which Gov. Mike Pence signed in 2015, harms the state's women, LGBTQ individuals and families, those who belong minority religions, and others who could face discrimination because of this law.

Still More Trouble For North Carolina As Another Athletic Association Pulls Championships From The State

It's been less than a month since the NCAA and ACC moved their championships out of North Carolina due to HB2, a law that sanctions discrimination against transgender people, and the state is taking another hit.

Legislators Need to Strip Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination from Defense Bill

A few months ago, some members of the U.S. House snuck a provision into their version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which would authorize taxpayer-funded discrimination in every single federal contract and grant issued by the federal government, whether defense related or not. Now, a group of bipartisan Representatives and Senators are meeting to resolve the issue.

NCAA And ACC Pull Championships From North Carolina Over Anti-LGBT Law

Yesterday the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) became the second major college sporting body to pull its championships from North Carolina this week due to the state's HB2, a law that sanctions discrimination against transgender people. Their decision follows NCAA's Monday announcement that it would relocate seven championship events from the Tar Heel State. 

Congress Should Scrap Government-Funded Discrimination From Defense Bill

In the rush to get out the door, Congressional lawmakers have some important decisions to make. One of those should be that taxpayer-funded employment discrimination has no place in the NDAA

Civil Rights Commission Releases Report On Nondiscrimination And Civil Rights

Yesterday, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights released a report focused on religious freedom following a 2013 briefing where AU’s then-Legal Director Ayesha Khan testified.


A Religious Right To Discriminate?: Court Adopts Troubling Interpretation Of Religious Freedom Law

A federal court has ruled that a funeral home had a “religious freedom” right under RFRA to fire a transgender employee. AU Litigation Fellow Bradley Girard dissects this disturbing ruling.

At the Intersection of Transgender Advocacy and Religious Freedom

AU Legislative Assistant Director Dena Sher joined a Transgender Law Institute panel to discuss the intersections between true religious freedom and transgender advocacy.

North Carolina Law Allowing Magistrates To Avoid Officiating Marriages For Same-Sex Couples Facing Challenges In Federal Court

The attention surrounding North Carolina's controversial bathroom law makes it easy to forget that the Tar Heel State recently enacted another anti-LGBT measure. This one allows magistrates to opt-out of their duty to perform marriages for at least six months if they have a religious objection. 

DNC Round-Up: Democrats Offer Alternative Vision Of Religious Freedom

DNC Round-Up: Democrats Offer Alternative Vision Of Religious Freedom

Democrats met in Philadelphia, PA, last week to nominate a candidate for president— and in the process touched on religious freedom issues affecting the country today

Mississippi Governor And Religious Right Group Fighting To Enforce "Religious Liberty" Law

A U.S. District Court judge recently barred Mississippi from enforcing its "religious liberty” law because it violates the U.S. Constitution, but Governor Phil Bryant and the Alliance Defending Freedom just won't give up.

Mountaineer Muddle: West Virginia Legislators Contemplate Discriminatory Bills

Just months after the West Virginia Senate voted down the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) bill, Mountain State lawmakers are talking about resurrecting it in the next legislative session.

FRC’s FADA Fade Away

We all know that in politics, sometimes people say one thing and mean another. It isn’t that often, though, that a group flip flops in a way that makes it so obvious.

Governor Mike Pence and the RFRA Debacle

After Gov. Pence signed SB 101 into law, businesses and prominent Hoosiers took a stand against it: the NCAA, CEOs, NASCAR, law professors, healthcare providers, musicians, authors, performers, athletes, conventions, and entire states announced criticism and even boycotts of the state.