State Bills Threaten To Undermine LGBTQ Healthcare, Student Life, And Family Rights

State legislatures have not had much luck in passing sweeping bills like RFRAs or FADAs, but the record is mixed on more targeted “religious freedom” bills that could undermine LGBTQ rights in healthcare, student life, and families.

Anti-LGBTQ State First Amendment Defense Acts Are Back In 2017

As state legislators return to work this month, we’re monitoring newly introduced “religious freedom” bills around the country that could harm our neighbors. As a refresher, we thought we would review the different types of “religious freedom” legislation we expect to see. First up, First Amendment Defense Acts.

The State Legislatures Are Back In Session And We’re Ready!

Right now, state lawmakers are trying to use religion as an excuse to discriminate, but we're ready to fight back! Our 2017 State Legislation Tracker is your one-stop-shop for news, resources and most importantly, how you can make a difference.

Sanderson Farms And Other Companies Are Opposing Harmful Mississippi Law In Court

We applaud companies like Sanderson Farms for recognizing that HB 1523 poses a threat to their employees and Mississippians as a whole. We hope that others join them in standing up to those who would harm our neighbors. 

PTN Looks Back On The Five Biggest Religious Freedom Stories Of 2016

As 2016 comes to an end, we’re looking back at the biggest religious freedom stories of the past year. 

Americans United Joins The Fight In Court Against Mississippi's "Religious Freedom" Law

On Friday, we joined an amicus brief opposing HB 1523 because it uses religion as an excuse to sanction discrimination. Religious freedom is a fundamental American value— it guarantees us the freedom to believe or not as we see fit. What it does not do, though, is grant anyone a right to harm others.

Most Small Business Owners In Colorado Oppose Laws That Use Religion To Trump LGBTQ Nondiscrimination Protections, New Poll Shows

In this tense political climate, bad news sometimes overshadows the good news, and today’s news is good. 

Federal First Amendment Defense Act Poised To Make A Comeback In 2017

This week, U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) announced that next year he plans to reintroduce the so-called First Amendment Defense Act (FADA), a bill that would allow individuals and corporations to use religion as an excuse to discriminate against, well, almost everyone. 


Congress Rejected Russell: Let’s Celebrate, But There Are More Fights Ahead

Today, the Senate voted to adopt a final negotiated version of the National Defense Authorization Act. This is a clear win for fairness, equality, and the freedom of religion and belief, but there are still fights ahead

The Numbers Are In: NC's Gov. McCrory Primarily Ousted Over HB 2

Last week, Americans United's Samantha Sokol wrote that discrimination doesn't win in North Carolina. Now, after Governor Pat McCrory's defeat in the state's gubernatorial race and the release of a report by Human Rights Campaign and Equality North Carolina regarding voters' views on HB 2, this verdict is proven by the numbers.


Metro Atlanta Chamber Announces Intent To Oppose All Georgia's Harmful "Religious Freedom" Bills In 2017

The Metro Atlanta Chamber promised to fight any harmful "religious freedom" bills introduced in the Georgia legislature, saying: “We are not supportive of any bill that in any way would discriminate against any person.”

Is Discrimination The Price We’ll Pay For Trump’s HHS Secretary?

Tom Price’s view of religious freedom is not only wrong, but it could cause serious harm if he is confirmed as HHS secretary.

Americans United And Allies Deliver Over 342,000 Signatures Opposing Russell Amendment To Congress

Yesterday, Americans United joined a dozen of our allies to deliver a petition with more than 340,000 signatures to Congress calling for lawmakers to strike the Russell Amendment from the defense bill. Our organizations, with millions of members and supporters from across the country, are raising our voices to oppose taxpayer-funded discrimination sanctioned by this provision.

In Congress, The Fight Against Discrimination Is Now

We joined with a dozen national organizations to deliver over 340,000 petition signatures to Congress in opposition to the Russell Amendment, a provision that would require that all federal agencies allow religiously affiliated contractors and grantees to discriminate in hiring with taxpayer funds.

It's Time To Act! Tell Congress To #RejectRussell

Yesterday Americans United, along with 11 other organizations, launched a petition asking Congress to reject the Russell Amendment, a provision in this year's National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would allow religiously affiliated institutions that receive federal grants and contracts— including hospitals and universities— to use those taxpayer funds to discriminate against employees on the basis of religion.

Sen. McCain Opposed Arizona “Religious Freedom” Bill In 2014 And Now Should Reject A Similar Provision In Defense Bill

Sen. McCain has seen the disastrous effects the Russell Amendment and other so-called religious freedom laws can have. Now’s the time for him to act. 

The NDAA’s Russell Amendment Goes Much Broader Than Just Defense Policy

The annual NDAA is must-pass legislation that governs federal defense projects and programs. It is often the most likely of unlikely places that some try to push their so-called religious liberty policies.

#RejectRussell: 42 Senators Reject Dangerous Provision to Sanction Taxpayer-Funded Discrimination

Today, 42 senators, led by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), took a strong public stand against taxpayer-funded employment discrimination.  They joined a letter urging that a dangerous provision, which was snuck into a version of the national defense bill in the dead of the night, be stripped out before the must-pass National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) becomes law.