Mind the Coverage Gap (A Look at Healthcare Sharing Ministries)

AU's Senior Litigation Counsel Greg Lipper writes about healthcare sharing ministries and the Affordable Care Act.

Civil Rights Advocates To Face Tough Times In State Legislatures

The Associated Press lays out the challenges civil rights advocates will be facing this year in the state legislatures as those who wish to use religious freedom to harm others come out swinging.

Barrier Method?

U.S. Supreme Court To Hear New Group Of Cases That Could Further Limit Americans' Access To Reproductive Health Care

Political allies of the Religious Right, like U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), are trying to convince the American public that the federal government wants to force nuns to buy birth control.

“You know, every American should know about the Little Sisters of the Poor,” Cruz said during an address at the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., in 2014. “You want to talk about values? Right now the federal government is suing the Little Sisters of the Poor to try to force Catholic nuns to pay for abortion-inducing drugs.”

Cruz’s comments came in reference to legal challenges filed by dozens of religiously affiliated non-profit organizations, including the Little Sisters of the Poor, that don’t want their employees to get access to birth control.


Legislative Preview: States Are Preparing for More RFRA Battles

As the states gear up to reconvene their legislative sessions after the New Year, we can expect to see many states pursuing Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) legislation. We often focus on states without state-level RFRAs that attempt to pass bills to create a new law; for example, last year both Indiana and Arkansas passed new RFRA legislation, and the sponsor of Georgia’s bill to create a RFRA has said he will introduce legislation in 2016. However, state legislative activity is not limited merely to creating new RFRA laws. Even in states that currently have RFRA laws, we anticipate that there will be increasing attempts to expand these state RFRAs.

Cruz, Huckabee Pledge To Make Anti-LGBT Religious Freedom Bill A Priority

In two separate interviews with EWTN News, GOP presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee pledged to make the passage of the First Amendment Defense Act a priority in the first 100 days of their administrations. 

The IUD The Newest Target In Religious Right's Anti-Contraception Crusade

Backed by misinformation about both biology and contraception, the Religious Right has termed the IUD a "life-ending device". Now the argument about whether religious non-profits can control employees' access to this and other contraceptive devices has reached the highest court in the land.

Evidence Suggests That Accused Planned Parenthood Gunman Is Indeed A "Christian Terrorist"

In a fascinating article, ThinkProgress presents evidence that Robert Lewis Dear, the accused Colorado Planned Parenthood gunman, should be considered a Christian terrorist according to the prevailing definition of religious terrorism.

Alabama Taxpayers Now On The Hook For Legal Fees After Planned Parenthood Defunding Attempt

Linda Greenhouse Wins Headline of the Year

From AU's Senior Litigation Counsel Greg Lipper's Thanksgiving Day guest post on Bill of Health.

“Sex After 50 at the Supreme Court” is the title of today’s Turkey Day column by the peerless Linda Greenhouse. She takes a saucy look at upcoming Supreme Court cases on contraception and abortion and the role of religion in motivating restrictions on reproductive rights and health.

Terror At Planned Parenthood: Facing The Consequences Of The Far Right’s Lies

In the wake of Friday’s horrific shootings at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, we’re hearing calls to deescalate the rhetoric around the issue of abortion.

ICYMI – Senator Hatch Used Floor Time to Promote Harmful Religious Refusals

Last week, Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) concluded his sixth speech in a series of floor speeches devoted to the topic of religious liberty. Senator Hatch’s speeches have covered everything from the history of religious freedom to threats to religious liberty abroad. Or at least, he has covered everything from his point of view of what religious liberty means.

Congress Presses Attorney General on OLC Memo

Earlier today, the House Committee on the Judiciary held an oversight hearing, questioning U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch about the activities of the Department of Justice. During the hearing, Lynch occupied the hot seat while members of the committee peppered her with questions on everything from homeland security to voting rights.

Priests for Life Ask For Assistance In Their ACA Contraception Mandate Case From A Higher Authority

Earlier this week, Priests for Life, one of the plaintiffs challenging the ACA's contraception mandate in front of the Supreme Court, released a novena asking God to intercede on their behalf. 

Americans United Submits ACA Comments To Department of Health and Human Services

Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act prohibits sex discrimination in health programs and activities.  The Department of Health and Human Services is writing regulations to implement this non-discriminate provision and asked for public comment on whether the prohibition on sex discrimination should include a religious exemption.  We said absolutely not.

Americans United Attorney Comments on New Supreme Court Birth Control Case

The Supreme Court granted Priests For Life v. Department of Health & Human Services, East Texas Baptist University v. Burwell, Little Sisters of the Poor v. Burwell, and Geneva Collegw v. Burwell cases this afternoon. Our senior litigation counsel Gregory M. Lipper issued the following statement:

Philadelphia Adopts Religious Exemption Policy For Publicly Funded Clinic Doctors

The City of Brotherly Love has adopted a new religious exemption policy that could seriously affect the health of patients using publicly funded clinics.