Students To Make Their Stories Heard In Upcoming SCOTUS Contraception Case

Last week, we submitted a brief in the ACA contraception accommodations case set to be heard in front of the Supreme Court next month. Jessica Mason Pieklo analyzes the document in the article below.

From RH Reality Check:

The case against the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) birth control benefit, Zubik v. Burwell, is the fourth challenge to the ACA the Supreme Court has heard so far. But for the first time, individuals who depend on the insurance protections in conservatives’ cross-hairs will be able to have their stories heard by the Court directly, during oral arguments in late March. Their testimonies make it clear that stripping the benefit would make accessing care even more precarious—especially for students who become pregnant and find themselves without any accommodations at their institutions...

Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (AU), a nonprofit legal advocacy organization, successfully intervened as a third party in the contraception challenges on behalf of a University of Notre Dame student in January 2014. The organization recently filed a brief to the Roberts Court on behalf of 240 students, faculty, and staff at religiously affiliated universities—the first of its kind to cite the personal stories of those whose benefits are in danger.

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