Last Week In Review: March 14–19

Last week, we saw bill movement in Georgia, Colorado, Alabama, and Tennessee. Find out more about these movements and what to expect this week in Last Week in Review.


Zubik v. Burwell, Part 3: Birth Control Is Not Abortion

In the third part of his blog series on Zubik v. Burwell, Senior Litigation Counsel Greg Lipper debunks the myth of “abortifacients" and other erroneous labeling of standard birth control methods.

Zubik v. Burwell, Part 2: The Religious Objectors Who Cried Wolf

In the second part of his Zubik v. Burwell contraception insurance series, Senior Litigation Counsel Greg Lipper analyzes the insincerity of religiously affiliated organizations' claims.

Zubik v. Burwell, Part 1: Why Paperwork Does Not Burden Religious Exercise

Senior Litigation Counsel Greg Lipper argues that signing a form to allow women to receive contraception insurance does not constitute a burden to religious exercise. 

Moore Shenanigans: U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Alabama High Court’s Latest Bid To Undermine Equality

Spare a thought for Roy Moore.

Moore likely thought that as chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court he’d finally have the authority to enforce God’s moral law. Theocracy has, after all, been the raison d’etre of his career. But our secular legal system – or Satan, depending on who you ask – has thwarted him at every turn.

Missouri Lawmakers Continue To Filibuster Discriminatory FADA Bill

While you were sleeping, something amazing happened.  And it is still going on.

The seven Democrats in the Missouri Senate have been on the floor for 17 hours now filibustering SJR 39, a constitutional amendment that would add discrimination to the Missouri Constitution. And there is no sign that they are stopping anytime soon. You can listen here.

Last Week in Review: February 29–March 4

As we enter a new week, here's a reminder of all of the bills that moved during the week of February 29–March 4.

Alabama Supreme Court Dismisses Petitions Against Marriage Equality

The Alabama Supreme Court today confirmed that marriage equality remains intact in the state, but the always opinionated Chief Justice Roy Moore still insists that SCOTUS got Obergefell wrong. 

Business Communities, LGBT Groups Are Fighting Discriminatory Bills Nationwide

With discriminatory bills moving in legislatures nationwide, business communities, politicians, and LGBT activists nationwide are hitting back hard.

Last Week In Review: February 22–26

As bills continue to pick up speed through their respective legislatures, we've decided to add a new feature to our legislative coverage that helps our readers keep track of the previous week's bill movement.

West Virginia Senate President Mum On RFRA Bill

West Virginia Senate President Bill Cole has held back his opinions on the state's proposed RFRA bill, HB 4012. The passed the House on February 11.

Students To Make Their Stories Heard In Upcoming SCOTUS Contraception Case

Last week, we submitted a brief in the ACA contraception accommodations case set to be heard in front of the Supreme Court next month. 

Federal Appeals Court Upholds ACA Contraception Accommodation

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ACA's contraception accommodation, making it the eighth circuit court to rule for the federal government in this matter. This same accommodation will be heard in front of the Supreme Court next month.

AU Sends Letter To A West Virginia County About Abusive Deputy Clerk

Americans United sent a letter to Gilmer County commissioners and County Clerk Jean Butcher stating that Deputy Clerk Debbie Allen violated the constitutional rights of a same-sex couple seeking a marriage license. The deputy clerk had referred to their marriage as "an abomination" and told them that they would be judged by God.

W.Va. Clerk Cannot Verbally Abuse Same-Sex Couples Seeking Marriage Licenses, Says Americans United

Church-State Watchdog Group Says Gilmer County Deputy Clerk Has No Right To Disparage or Preach To Couples

WV Deputy Clerk Serves Same-Sex Couple A Marriage License With A Heaping Side Of Abuse

Debbie Allen, a deputy country clerk for West Virginia's Gilmer County, did her job last week– she granted a same-sex couple a marriage license. Unfortunately, she also heaped a pile of abuse on the newlyweds. Allen may soon have the freedom to do even more harm if the state's RFRA bill passes.

Texas Judge Does Not Have Religious Freedom Right To Deny Service To Same-Sex Couples, Says Americans United

Dallas County Official Cannot Impede Marriages Of Any Qualified Couples, Church-State Watchdog Group Says


Indiana's RFRA Is Now Being Used To Challenge Local LGBT Anti-Discrimination Laws

Indiana's RFRA is finally rearing its ugly head as conservative groups use it to files lawsuits challenging LGBT anti-discrimination ordinances. 

Christian Universities Request Exemptions From Title IX's LGBT Protections

As Title IX expands to include more rights for LGBT students and employees at universities around the country, Christian institutions– including those receiving federal funding– are demanding exemptions.

Spotlight On: Four Anti-LGBT Bills In Oklahoma

Last session, the state of Texas had the distinction of being the state with the most anti-LGBT bills with over 20 pieces of legislation.  Fortunately, each one of those bills was defeated. This session, that distinction of (dis)honor belongs to Oklahoma. Their session began this week, and they already have at least 26 anti-LGBT bills, including bills that include religious exemptions that could be used to discriminate. Here is a look at just four of those bills that we are closely tracking.