NBA Star Grant Hill Opposes Georgia's FADA Bill

More business leaders and social luminaries are opposing Georgia's HB 757 FADA bill, including NBA star Grant Hill.

Undeniable Falsehoods: Religious Right Group Releases New Report On The ‘Persecution’ of American Christians

An up-and-coming Religious Right legal group has a new name and a new look. The Texas-based Liberty Institute has rebranded itself First Liberty, and it has inaugurated its fresh look with a newly-released report that purportedly proves the existence of a wave of hostility toward American Christians.

Former U.S. Justice Department Official And Others Weigh In Against Georgia's FADA

More opposition to Georgia's HB 757 FADA bill has been pouring in. Here are few notable ones, including opinions from a former Georgia Attorney General, Wonkette, and businesses.

West Virginia Senate President Mum On RFRA Bill

West Virginia Senate President Bill Cole has held back his opinions on the state's proposed RFRA bill, HB 4012. The passed the House on February 11.

Georgia NAACP President Calls For Community Action Against State FADA Bill

Rev. Dr. Francys Johnson, president of the Georgia NAACP, speaks out against threat that is the state's HB 757 FADA/Pastor Protection Act Bill.

West Virginia City Council Considers Whether To Condemn State's RFRA Bill

The Morgantown City Council is considering a resolution to condemn HB 4012, West Virginia's RFRA bill.

Students To Make Their Stories Heard In Upcoming SCOTUS Contraception Case

Last week, we submitted a brief in the ACA contraception accommodations case set to be heard in front of the Supreme Court next month. 

Georgia's FADA Not Finalized Yet, Says Governor

While Georgia's HB 757 has been passed by the state's Senate, Governor Nathan Deal suggests that some changes are coming to the legislation.

Georgia's FADA Passes The Senate, Businesses Take Notice

After hours of debate, the Georgia Senate passed HB 757, a bill that combined a state FADA bill and a Pastor Protection Act into one devastating piece of legislation.

Spotlight On: Georgia's HB 757 State FADA/Pastor Protection Act

This morning, the Georgia Senate will debate HB 757, a hybrid of the House Pastor Protection Act and the Georgia First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) (previously SB 284). Many are likely asking: how did they get combined? What does the hybrid bill do? What happens next? What can I do?

Federal Appeals Court Upholds ACA Contraception Accommodation

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ACA's contraception accommodation, making it the eighth circuit court to rule for the federal government in this matter. This same accommodation will be heard in front of the Supreme Court next month.

AU Submits Brief In Supreme Court Contraception Case

Americans United submitted a brief in the case of Zubik v. Burwell, the contraception case currently before the Supreme Court. 

Georgia's State FADA Bill Just Got A Whole Lot Worse

With Georgia's FADA and Pastor Protection Act bills now rolled into one super bill, things are looking grim in the Peach State. Robbie Medwed's opinion piece below illustrates the dangers this FADA bill poses to the people of Georgia.

Missouri's New Bill Would Gut State Human Rights Act

Missouri's SB 916 will be heard in front of a Senate committee today, and while the bill isn't technically about LGBT people or women, it will certainly have deleterious effects on both communities.

Spotlight On: Four Anti-LGBT Bills In Oklahoma

Last session, the state of Texas had the distinction of being the state with the most anti-LGBT bills with over 20 pieces of legislation.  Fortunately, each one of those bills was defeated. This session, that distinction of (dis)honor belongs to Oklahoma. Their session began this week, and they already have at least 26 anti-LGBT bills, including bills that include religious exemptions that could be used to discriminate. Here is a look at just four of those bills that we are closely tracking.

Republicans, Business Leaders Uneasy About Georgia's "Religious Freedom" Bills

Some Georgia Republicans are finding themselves extremely uneasy about the state's "religious freedom" bills.

Spotlight On: Indiana's SB 344, A Flawed Non-Discrimination Bill

Today, the Indiana Senate is expected to take up SB 344, a flawed non-discrimination bill. There are so many reasons to oppose this bill, including that it fails to offer any protections for transgender Hoosiers. But in this post, we’d like to look at the vast and broad religious exemptions in the bill. Although SB 344 may offer some (insufficient) non-discrimination protections, it also would provide a religious trump card to nullify those protections. The bill also contains religious exemptions that would undermine rights and protections guaranteed by other state and local laws and policies.

Spotlight On: Georgia's Discriminatory Religious Exemption Bills

Having trouble keeping up on what is happening in the Georgia General Assembly? Don’t worry, so many bad bills that claim to protect religious freedom have been introduced that it is hard to follow. But we are here to help.  Here is your Georgia cheat sheet: It explains seven of the bills out there that claim to protect religious freedom, but really don’t.

West Virginia RFRA Hearing Today At 9:30 AM

This morning, starting at 9:30 am, the West Virginia House will hold a public hearing on House Bill 4012, the “West Virginia Religious Freedom Restoration Act.”  West Virginians will be gathering in the House chamber to voice their opinions on this bill.  We have some opinions about this bill, too, and it should come as no surprise by now, that we strongly oppose this bill.