Oklahoma Introduced The Most Anti-LGBT Bills In The Country

According to Free Speech Radio News, the state of Oklahoma has the (dis)honor of introducing the most anti-LGBT bills in the country, many of which are written by organizations from outside the region. 

Baptist Lobbyist Compares Georgia Lawmakers To Hitler For Failure To Pass "Religious Liberty" Laws

Anyone who has spent a significant amount of time online knows of Godwin's Law, the adage that as an online discussion progresses "the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler" increases. Yesterday, Godwin's Law jumped from cyberspace into real life as the Georgia Baptist Mission Board's Public Affairs Director and Capitol Lobbyist compared members of the Georgia General Assembly to Hitler for their failure to pass “religious liberty bills” that would could be used to discriminate against others.

Virginia Gov. Promises To Veto Discriminatory Bill

Virginia's SB 41 may have passed the General Assembly, but Governor Terry McAuliffe has promised that the discriminatory bill will go no further. 

Conservative Talking Points Shift From Same-Sex Marriage To Religious Liberty

In an analysis of buzzwords used during GOP debates, the website FiveThirtyEight explores the emerging use of the phrases involving religion as dog-whistle terms to attack same-sex marriage.

Americans United Condemns Mo. Senate Vote To Enshrine Discrimination In State Constitution

Church-State Watchdog Group Vows To Fight Misguided Measure

Atlanta City Council Unanimously Approves Resolution To Oppose "Religious Freedom" Bills

The Atlanta City Council has unanimously approved a resolution to stating its opposition to Georgia's two "religious freedom" bills, HB 129 and HB 757. The council is one of over 400 political entities and companies who oppose these bills in their current forms.

Missouri Lawmakers Continue To Filibuster Discriminatory FADA Bill

While you were sleeping, something amazing happened.  And it is still going on.

The seven Democrats in the Missouri Senate have been on the floor for 17 hours now filibustering SJR 39, a constitutional amendment that would add discrimination to the Missouri Constitution. And there is no sign that they are stopping anytime soon. You can listen here.

Last Week in Review: February 29–March 4

As we enter a new week, here's a reminder of all of the bills that moved during the week of February 29–March 4.

Georgia's Governor Makes A Powerful Case Against "Religious Liberty" Bill

Georgia's Governor Nathan Deal has made it clear that he will not support any legislation that allows people to use religion to discriminate.

West Virginia Senate Kills RFRA Bill In 27-7 Vote

We at Protect Thy Neighbor have been following the progress of West Virginia’s RFRA bill, HB 4012, closely since its introduction in January. Now, we’re pleased to report that the Senate voted down this harmful bill last night by a vote of 27-7.

Business Communities, LGBT Groups Are Fighting Discriminatory Bills Nationwide

With discriminatory bills moving in legislatures nationwide, business communities, politicians, and LGBT activists nationwide are hitting back hard.

Indiana Governor Releases Heavily Redacted Records From Post-RFRA Public Relations Firm

Records obtained from Indiana Governor Mike Pence's office regarding the hiring and firing of a global public relations firm after RFRA became law raise more questions than answers.

Civil Rights Amendment Added To West Virginia RFRA

Last night the West Virginia Senate debated what amendments they would add to HB 4012, their Religious Freedom Restoration Act bill. The bill purports to protect religious freedom, but creates the real threat that it will be used to trump nondiscrimination laws, especially those for LGBT West Virginians. In fact, many pushing the bill support it because it they hope it will allow them to ignore nondiscrimination laws. The bill passed the House and Senate committee with failed attempts to fix this problem.


Twitter Joins Companies In Opposing Georgia FADA

It's hard to fit our joy over this into 140 characters!

Spotlight On: Missouri's SB 916 and SJR 39

Two pieces of legislation (SB 916 and SJR 39) that would permit discrimination in the name of religion are racing through the Missouri legislature. Both bills were introduced last week and were already approved by Senate Committees. The Senate could debate these bills on the floor as early as today.   

Georgia's House Speaker Has His Say On FADA Bill

After Governor Nathan Deal's statement yesterday about coming to a compromise over Georgia's HB 757 FADA bill that would both protect religious freedom and prevent discrimination, House Speaker David Ralston had his say.

Celebrities, Businesses, News Outlets, and Others Create Waves in Opposition to Georgia's FADA

How much backlash do Georgia legislators need before they stop pushing legislation that would allow discrimination against LGBT Georgians in the name of religion? You’d think with 400 plus companies and influential CEO’s opposing HB 757 and similar bills they’d be done with it already.

Conservative Group Denounces Georgia's FADA Bill

An Atlanta-based conservative group joins the city's Chamber of Commerce in opposing Georgia's HB 757, claiming that it would limit growth for both Atlanta and the Peach State.

Last Week In Review: February 22–26

As bills continue to pick up speed through their respective legislatures, we've decided to add a new feature to our legislative coverage that helps our readers keep track of the previous week's bill movement.

NBA Star Grant Hill Opposes Georgia's FADA Bill

More business leaders and social luminaries are opposing Georgia's HB 757 FADA bill, including NBA star Grant Hill.