Casey at the Bat: Anti-LGBT Kentucky Clerk Will Not Go Away

Thought Casey Davis, the county clerk who has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, would go away after being ordered by the Kentucky governor to do his job

In the words of The Princess Bride: get used to disappointment.

From Raw Story:

"Casey Davis, the Casey County clerk, said Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear was violating his rights by ordering him to perform his taxpayer-funded elected duties, reported Right Wing Watch.

The county clerk argues that 'nature’s law' should take precedence over 'any law that man puts on a piece of paper' – apparently referring to the state Constitution he was sworn to uphold."

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How far Davis is willing to go to keep from doing his job remains to be seen. Will he quit to avoid breaking his oath like a Texas county clerk did recently? Or will decide to face jail time to uphold his discriminatory beliefs? Whatever he chooses to do, we probably haven't heard the last of Casey Davis.